–Who are the frightened little people of the new America?

Twitter: @rodgermitchell; Search #monetarysovereignty
Facebook: Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

Mitchell’s laws:
●The more federal budgets are cut and taxes increased, the weaker an economy becomes.
●Austerity is the government’s method for widening the gap between rich and poor,
which ultimately leads to civil disorder.
●Until the 99% understand the need for federal deficits, the upper 1% will rule.
To survive long term, a monetarily non-sovereign government must have a positive balance of payments.
●Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereignty and monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics.
●The penalty for ignorance is slavery.
●Everything in economics devolves to motive,
and the motive is the gap.

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Emma Lazarus

Fighting back: Residents force feds to scrap plan to house illegals at Va. college

monetary sovereignty

The Obama administration Monday abruptly halted plans to shelter some of the children surging across the border at a defunct college in rural Virginia.

As many as 500 children were to start arriving this week at St. Paul’s College, a recently closed historically black college in Lawrenceville, Virginia.

More than 90,000 children, mostly from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, will be caught this year, and more than 140,000 will be apprehended in 2015.

Plans to house some of the children at an empty office complex in Baltimore were halted after the city’s Democratic mayor and Maryland’s two Democratic senators objected as soon as the details were announced.

HHS officials estimated that a steady stream of children would be housed on the campus, each child staying about 30 days until being reunited with a parent.

Jerry Prince, the owner of Prince’s Barber Shop in Lawrenceville, said that he wanted what was best for the children, but he feared the children would bring diseases to his town. “Even kids carry diseases like smallpox, chickenpox and scabies.”

Immigration officials have said many of the children have never seen a doctor until they are intercepted by agents at the border, and head lice and scabies screenings are part of the initial checks.

The Obama administration has called the surge of children a “humanitarian crisis.” However, critics blame President Obama for laying out a welcome mat for illegal immigrants, especially minors, and for discouraging deportations.

I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. But the notion of arresting and deporting children seems so damn un-American.

Really, is this what we’ve become — a selfish, “me-first, me-only,” frightened little nation that makes up excuses for not helping children in need? Are these children just too inconvenient for us?

We gladly send our soldiers to be killed defending every nut-ball country on earth, but accepting foreign children here — where one day they might live near us — is that too much? Are we now the United States of Xenophobia?

These are children, for crying out loud. Children!. And our lame excuse for rejecting them is they have smallpox (a disease totally eradicated from this earth)? Children who are inspected for disease upon entry?

The kids weren’t going to be sent to your house or your neighbor’s house. They were going to a closed college outside of Lawrenceville, VA (population 1,500), and to an empty office building.

And this scares poor Jerry Prince? Apparently he never has set foot outside of the United States, and mingled amoung — oh, horrors! — foreigners. He “wants what’s best for the children,” but he is too terrified of children possibly having chickenpox (like his own children and his neighbor’s children did).

Has this once great nation become a cringing population of selfish cowards, hiding behind our open-carry AR15s, so to ward off any stranger who dares ask our help?

Rep. Candice S. Miller, Michigan Republican and chairwoman of a key border security subcommittee, wrote a letter asking Mr. Obama to deploy the National Guard to let (border patrol) agents get back to their job of stopping illegal immigrants, drug smugglers and gun traffickers.

She called on the president to not only deploy the Guard but to give it police powers so it could also aid in patrolling the border and arresting illegal immigrants.

Yes, that is our solution to a humanitarian crisis of children: Deploy the National Guard. Build the wall higher and deport those who, at great risk to their young lives, manage get in.

Is this the America our forefathers envisioned, when they took the perilous journey across the ocean? What happened to the proud, strong people who built this nation?

America, the once great. What are we, now?

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Monetary Sovereignty

Ten Steps to Prosperity:
1. Eliminate FICA (Click here)
2. Federally funded Medicare — parts A, B & D plus long term nursing care — for everyone (Click here)
3. Provide an Economic Bonus to every man, woman and child in America, and/or every state a per capita Economic Bonus. (Click here) Or institute a reverse income tax.
4. Free education (including post-grad) for everyone. Click here
5. Salary for attending school (Click here)
6. Eliminate corporate taxes (Click here)
7. Increase the standard income tax deduction annually
8. Increase federal spending on the myriad initiatives that benefit America’s 99% (Click here)
9. Federal ownership of all banks (Click here)

10. Tax the very rich (.1%) more, with much higher, progressive tax rates on all forms of income. (Click here)


10 Steps to Economic Misery: (Click here:)
1. Maintain or increase the FICA tax..
2. Spread the myth Social Security, Medicare and the U.S. government are insolvent.
3. Cut federal employment in the military, post office, other federal agencies.
4. Broaden the income tax base so more lower income people will pay.
5. Cut financial assistance to the states.
6. Spread the myth federal taxes pay for federal spending.
7. Allow banks to trade for their own accounts; save them when their investments go sour.
8. Never prosecute any banker for criminal activity.
9. Nominate arch conservatives to the Supreme Court.
10. Reduce the federal deficit and debt

No nation can tax itself into prosperity, nor grow without money growth. Monetary Sovereignty: Cutting federal deficits to grow the economy is like applying leeches to cure anemia.
Two key equations in economics:
1. Federal Deficits – Net Imports = Net Private Savings
2. Gross Domestic Product = Federal Spending + Private Investment and Consumption – Net Imports

Monetary Sovereignty Monetary Sovereignty

Vertical gray bars mark recessions.

As the federal deficit growth lines drop, we approach recession, which will be cured only when the lines rise. Federal deficit growth is absolutely, positively necessary for economic growth. Period.


19 thoughts on “–Who are the frightened little people of the new America?

  1. The Zionist/American alliance is an insidious one. Guatemalans, Hondurans, Palestinians, Salvadorans they are all considered not at the same evolutionary level. Zionists and Americans are the only exceptional people; all of the others are the expendable ones. You might believe fear is driving the behavior. I believe otherwise. It is not fear but racism that is the behind such beliefs. Apartheid provides both comfort.


    1. The “Zionist/American alliance. . . ???

      Speaking of racism, chasfa, isn’t it always the Jews? After all, it’s the Jews, all 13 million of them scattered hither and yon over the planet, that are so exceptional, they are totally responsible for everything that goes wrong with the other 7 billion people.

      Of course, you agree. Right?


      1. They are not a race, Rodger, they are a political movement. Are all Jews Zionists? Did I say they were? You have become as dogmatic in your beliefs as the right-wingers you despise so. Have you any idea how Zionists regard those not Jewish and Jews who are not Zionists? Why are they so frightened of the Palestinians? Why are they looked upon as sub-humans by them? Is it because all Palestinians are Jew hating terrorists? According to your logic that must be the case; and I use the term logic very loosely in your case. You consistently mock the words of anyone on this blog that doesn’t accept every last word of your opinions. Are you completely unaware of the history of the Zionist movement? Maybe you should educate yourself prior to attacking? Ya think.


        1. You generalize, then criticize generalizing. Typical.

          You said, “Guatemalans, Hondurans, Palestinians, Salvadorans they are ALL considered not at the same evolutionary level.

          Oh, really. ALL not considered by ALL of whom?

          As to why the Jews might be frightened. Hmmm . . . Let me think. Could it be because Israel has been attacked multiple times by Islamic armies, which surround and outnumber the Jews by more than 100 to 1, and are dedicated to the destruction of Israel?

          Could it be because the Palestinians follow a leadership that not only refuses to acknowledge that Israel is a nation, but has sworn to the destruction of Israel?

          Could it be because Israel is one of the very few nations on earth, where anti-Semitism is not endemic?

          “ALL” Palestinians are not Jew-hating terrorists, nor are “ALL” Israelis Palestinian-hating, nor are “ALL” Zionists any generalization your can think up.

          So, having clarified that, what is your point, other than you hate Jews, but for political correctness and cowardice, call them “Zionists”?

          By the way, do you even know what a “Zionist” is?


        2. Bullshit Rodger! You obviously are ignorant of the history of Israel, Zionism and the current middle east environment. There is no sense wasting my breath with you on this subject. And yes, know it all, I am completely aware of what the word Zionist means and stands for. Have you read any of the history? Poor little Israel at the mercy of all of those sub-human Arabs. Have you read anything of the descriptions of Palestinians and Arabs made in the past and as recently as last week by Israeli leadership? You know nothing about the subject, obviously. Poor little Israel has never attacked the others in greater Palestine. They are just innocents being persecuted by everyone.


    2. British (Anglo-Saxon) Americans (hereditary, assimilated and otherwise) are the guilty racists. Why besmirch all Americans?


    1. In Syria we arm the Sunnis against the Shias. In Iraq we arm the Shias against the Sunnis.

      The other neighbor is Iran, which we vilify by day, and work closely with by night. Israel and Japan have an embargo on all things Iranian, but buy Iranian oil through middlemen in Europe.

      On one hand, “Islamists” are terrorists. On the other, we destroyed the sectarian governments of Libya and Iraq, so that Islamists could take over.

      In Syria and Libya, we pay the al-Qaeda types. In Iraq, we support Shiites against the al-Qaeda types.

      It’s all about “freedom and democracy.”


  2. “America, the once great. What are we now?”

    We are a nation of selfish, hate-filled slaves who defend our poverty as “God’s will.”

    But remember…debt, unemployment, poverty, and inequality keep “inflation” at bay. 🙂



    Rodger, I previously said that child immigrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are being released into society after a temporary period of detention. Same with most women from those nations, especially mothers.

    Not so with adult males from those countries. Most are sent to privately-owned prisons, where they are kept indefinitely. They are said to be “convicted,” even though there is no due process. No judge, no jury, and no sentence. Just straight to prison for LIFE.

    Privately-owned prisons for immigrants are called “Criminal Alien Requirement” (CAR) prisons. There are now thirteen CAR prisons in the USA, and their number is expanding rapidly as the private corporations pay more and more bribes to congressmen.

    The private corporations’ contracts with the Bureau of Federal Prisons stipulate that at least 10% of all migrants in prison be kept in solitary confinement, which the UN regards as torture. By contrast, the solitary confinement rate at public federal prisons is less than 5%.

    Since private prisons exist to make a profit, they do anything to cut costs. This means that conditions for inmates (and guards) are hellish. By contrast, public federal prisons have much better conditions, since they have no need for profits.

    In the profit-driven prisons, the quality of the food is so bad that is inedible. (NO EXAGGERATION!) Decent food would reduce profits, as would recreational facilities and medical care. In privately owned prisons, “medical care” is restricted to basically handing out ibuprofen. Dental treatment is restricted to crude tooth extraction. (Any tooth that has a problem is simply yanked out.)

    In one facility in Raymondville Texas (near the Mexican border) the center is so overcrowded that inmates live in cramped, vermin-infested tents, with 200 to 300 victims per tent. Any inmate who complains is sent to solitary. Any guard who complains is fired.

    I mention guards because the company treats them as scum, just as it treats innocent migrants as scum. After all, paychecks reduce profits. The guards are badly abused by executives and mid-level drones. Also their wages are well below the wages of guards at public prisons.

    Naturally some guards vent their suffering onto the already suffering migrants. In fact, if you are a guard, and you fail to abuse inmates, you are denounced by other guards as an “inmate lover.” (I was a prison guard for 2.5 years.)

    Meanwhile the top executives of the private prisons are getting extremely rich. The three largest and richest private prison corporations that jail immigrants are the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), the GEO Group, and Management and Training Corporation (MTC). In 2012 they collected $4 billion in revenue, while executives at CCA and the GEO Group received $19 million in compensation that year. Some of that money they kick back to politicians, in return for privatizing more prisons, and grabbing more immigrants to fill them.

    In order to produce more victims for the private prisons, in 2005 the DHS and DoJ jointly instituted a program called “Operation Streamline.” It mandates that migrants be criminally prosecuted by the US government, without due process. No judge or jury. Just automatic conviction. “Operation Streamline” provides an excuse to imprison migrants, rather than deport them. The victims are “streamlined” into privately-owned prisons, where they are kept indefinitely, since endless detention means endless profits. “Operation Streamline” has caused a 145% increase in migrants being imprisoned between 1998 and 2012.

    Imagine living in a country where poverty and violence are so extreme that you must get out, or you will surely die. You try to escape to the USA, but you end up in prison for life. The prison is squalid and hellish, since the owners cut costs in order to boost profits. Thus, for the “crime” of trying to escape imminent death, you are condemned to suffer a slower death.

    Immigrants are especially profitable for the private corporations, since very few immigrants are criminals. This means they can be kept in facilities that are cheap (i.e. profitable) to run, since the facilities have low security requirements. And since the victims are not citizens, they have little or no access to the justice system. Therefore they can be kept indefinitely, while the prison owners milk the federal government indefinitely.

    (Children from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador are not sent to privately owned prisons, since the resulting scandal would threaten profits.)

    The corporations that run privately-owned prisons are gigantic. Some are international. They exist in many countries, and they keep growing in number, since they keep bribing politicians to keep privatizing prisons. They are the key lobbyists who prevent immigration reform, since reform threatens profits.

    In 2008 when Jan Brewer was running for the office of governor in Arizona, it came out that private prison corporations were bribing her and her chief of staff to privatize prisons in Arizona.

    Brewer was elected anyway. And don’t forget the “kids for cash” scandal in 2008, where judges sent juveniles to a private prison for the most trivial infractions, such as mocking a principal on Myspace, or trespassing in a vacant building. The judges sent almost all juveniles to prison, in return for $2.6 million in kickbacks from the private prison owner.

    It is often claimed that for state and country governments, private prisons are cheaper to run than are public prisons. This is the exact opposite of reality. (Everything is the opposite of reality when it involves austerity, libertarianism, neo-liberalism, “free market” crap, and so on.) Conditions in private prisons are nightmarish. Therefore inmates sue, since they are US citizens. When inmates win, it is not the private corporations that pay. It is local taxpayers.

    Lately private prisons have been losing market share at the state and county level, since cash-strapped local governments can no longer get away with lying that private prisons are cheaper and “more efficient.” Always and everywhere, privately-owned prisons are much more expensive for local taxpayers. Always. Plus, the growing number of scandals (e.g. “kids for cash”) can no longer be ignored.

    Therefore the private prison corporations are now concentrating on the federal level, where profits are juiciest, money is limitless, and there is no cost to taxpayers (because of Monetary Sovereignty). That means that immigrants are being targeted more than ever.

    The more victims in prison, the more profits. The more profits, the larger the bonuses for corporate executives.

    Capitalism at its finest. :-)


    1. The dental care that the adult poor have in Amerika under Medicaid is exactly the same. Only extractions are provided.


  3. Rodger, your usually flushed out theses are well conceived! This one seems half-baked! Why, when, where, how many, how often, and should we give a hoot?

    China now has 1.4B. folks on about the same land space as our 315M. So, what’s the big deal? Bye the bye, by 2100 we’re projected to have 1B. people here so how will China then fit its est. 4.5B. souls? ……

    Wishing you, ‘Best Health’, wise man! ……….


    1. Dan, I’ve written in the past about the economics. Many people have, and I really don’t have much to add to the many, many facts demonstrating how immigrants benefit America.

      This post focused on the moral issue, i.e what the hell kind of people have we become to hide behind locked doors so that suffering children cannot enter?

      I didn’t want to argue the “why, when, where, how many or how often.” I was concerned with the “who,” that is, who are we?


    2. Why should we give a hoot?

      Because our violence toward others is what causes mass immigration in the first place.

      Rodger’s post is centered on children from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador: three nations whose ultra-corrupt governments are totally dependent upon support from Washington. Whenever the people in those countries install a decent government, the USA sponsors a coup, so that things revert to extreme poverty, with a horrendous gap between rich and poor. The latest US-backed coup was in Honduras. And now there are no jobs at all, because of the rust fungus (caused by climate change). Meanwhile the violence is worse than ever, because of the US-sponsored “war on drugs.” Honduras has by far the world’s highest murder rate.

      It’s all sustained by the USA. When our victims come north in a desperate bid to avoid the violence and poverty that we cause, we say, “Put them in prison! Why should we care?”

      There would not be mass migration if we truly helped these people in their own nations, or even if we simply left them alone.


      1. The primary “business” in Lawrenceville, Va.(above article, pop. 1,500), is a GEO Group, Inc. operated state prison. PIC, guaranteed savior of small town America.


        1. “There are at most, two or three left wingers in Congress.”
          Actually ninety percent of all congressmen are extreme left wingers, as are ninety-nine percent of all corporate media figures.

          So says Fox News, which alone is “fair and balanced.”

          For people like Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh, you are either a “moderate centrist” (i.e. a right-wing extremist) or you are a “radical communist / terrorist” (i.e. anyone even slightly to the left of the extreme right wing).


          True left-wingers currently in congress are non-white, such as Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), Rep. Eleanor Norton (D-DC), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn), Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich), Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY), Rep. Michael Honda (D-CA), Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) and a few others.

          The only white people who come close to the above are people like Rep. Janice Schakowsky (D-Ill) or Rep. James McGovern (D-Mass).

          In my opinion, the most leftist congressmen above are still to the right of leftist congressmen of the past.

          If Richard Nixon were president today, he would be considered a liberal.

          (In 1969, Nixon shut down the USA’s entire bio-weapons program, and most of its chemical weapons program. The labs were converted into cancer research centers. Nixon also signed the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. St. Ronald Reagan later reversed this “madness,” and re-started the US bio-weapons program.)


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