–Income inequality: The Stilgitz, Roubini, Buffett solution.

Mitchell’s laws:
●The more federal budgets are cut and taxes increased, the weaker an economy becomes.
●Austerity is the government’s method for widening the gap between rich and poor,
which leads to civil disorder.
●Until the 99% understand the need for federal deficits, the upper 1% will rule.
●To survive long term, a monetarily non-sovereign government must have a positive balance of payments.
●Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereignty and monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics.
●The penalty for ignorance is slavery.
●Everything in economics devolves to motivation.


If I told you world hunger is a serious problem, would your first thought be: We should cut food rations to the people, who already are amply nourished, to “even things out”?

If I told you air pollution is a terrible problem in Beijing, China, would you suggest that China pollute other cities, to “even things out”?

If I told you deforestation is a serious problem in Brazil, would you suggest that the solution is to deforest Canada, to “even things out”?

If I told you that polio remains a problem in parts of India, would you suggest we introduce polio to other parts of India, to “even things out”?

No? Then you don’t think like Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stilgitz, New York University professor of economics Nouriel Roubini or Warren Buffett.

Consider these excerpts from an article in policymic.com, Income Inequality in America: What We Should Be Doing About It:

Recent studies are finding that inequality is not just a matter of ethics or justice, but a serious economic issue contributing to many of America’s current financial problems.

Inequality makes an economy inefficient and unstable, and limits the opportunities and mobility of its citizens.

New research is challenging economists’ traditional view that inequality is a necessary evil for an efficient capitalist society. Nobel Prize winner Joseph E Stiglitz leads the charge in his 2012 book The Price of Inequality, concluding that unequal societies are inefficient and tend to have unstable, unsustainable economies.

Absolutely true. Preaching to the choir, here. But continue reading.

A 2011 International Monetary Fund study agrees and adds that inequality tends to cause economic volatility. Stiglitz further argues, echoing a point raised by economist Christopher Brown of Arkansas State University, that income inequality hinders consumption spending and therefore causes “a shortfall in aggregate demand.”

What can we do about it?

Good conclusion and good question. Here is their answer:

Joseph Stilgitz and New York University professor of economics Nouriel Roubini, among others, agree that higher taxes, particularly for the upper-middle class and up, will help even things out, thereby “unlocking the U.S. economy’s growth potential in a sustainable way.”

“Even things out”? That’s the solution? And how will increasing taxes on anyone increase aggregate demand? Answer: It can’t. Reducing the money supply reduces aggregate demand.

Here’s a bit more nonsense from our renowned economists and capitalist.

They, along with billionaire Warren Buffett, additionally agree that the government should limit the tax breaks, subsidies, and loopholes allowed to the major energy, agri-business, pharmaceutical, and financial companies.

Yes, in this world market, we should do everything possible to hamstring American corporations. Energy research and development is unnecessary, as is pharmaceutical research and development. Right??

In Roubini’s words, the government should make sure, “corporations and individuals whose income is derived from investments pay taxes commensurate with the benefits they get from the US citizenship.”

Not only is this silly from a practical sense (How would “the benefits” be measured to make taxes “commensurate”?), but it is absurd from an economical sense. Taking more dollars out of an economy, depresses the economy. Period.

Learn Monetary Sovereignty, renowned professors. The federal government (unlike state and local governments) does not spend tax dollars. Because the federal government has no need for, nor use of, tax dollars, taxes do nothing but impoverish the economy.

Raise taxes on corporations, and what will the corporations do? Answers:

1. Fire workers or cut salaries
2. Spend less

Both of those results will impoverish our economy, especially the lower and middle-income classes.

Raise tax rates on the uber-rich, and what will they do:

1. Invest less
2. Buy less
3. Fire people who work for them.

All of those results also would impoverish our economy, especially the lower and middle-income classes — except for one thing: While the upper middle-class will get stuck and see their incomes reduced, the super-rich probably won’t pay the taxes anyway. Isn’t that what Romney’s offshore accounts are for? You can be sure the upper .1% will pay the politicians for exemptions and exceptions.

Yes, people love to see those with more money get their comeuppance, but this would be a classic cut-nose-to-spite-face act.

Surely, Stiglitz, Roubini and Buffett (oh, my!) know this stuff. It’s as basic as economics can get. So what are their real motives for making such silly suggestions?

As I often have said, the super-rich do not care about absolute income. They care about comparative income. They care about widening the gap. And what is the best way to widen the gap?

Increase taxes to impoverish the entire economy, so that even the middle class faces starvation.

The economists’ more charitable motive is this: When they win Nobels and are lauded in the upper-.1%-owned media, they like to please and hang with the rich. No one ever was fired, lost tenure or ignored by rich-owned media for laughing at the boss’s jokes.

That’s the more charitable motive.

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Monetary Sovereignty


Nine Steps to Prosperity:
1. Eliminate FICA (Click here)
2. Federally funded Medicare — parts A, B & D plus long term nursing care — for everyone (Click here)
3. Provide an Economic Bonus to every man, woman and child in America, and/or every state a per capita Economic Bonus. (Click here) Or institute a reverse income tax.
4. Free education (including post-grad) for everyone. Click here
5. Salary for attending school (Click here)
6. Eliminate corporate taxes (Click here)
7. Increase the standard income tax deduction annually
8. Increase federal spending on the myriad initiatives that benefit America’s 99% (Click here)
9. Federal ownership of all banks (Click here)

No nation can tax itself into prosperity, nor grow without money growth. Monetary Sovereignty: Cutting federal deficits to grow the economy is like applying leeches to cure anemia. Two key equations in economics:
Federal Deficits – Net Imports = Net Private Savings
Gross Domestic Product = Federal Spending + Private Investment and Consumption – Net Imports


9 thoughts on “–Income inequality: The Stilgitz, Roubini, Buffett solution.

  1. The problem with “levelers” is they always want to level DOWN.

    This is another example of peasant mentality.

    Rich people like Warren Buffet extol peasant mentality.

    Average people live by it, and thus remain peasants.

    There’s an old saying. If you win a million-dollar lottery, and you want to keep that million, then you’d better become a millionaire.


  2. Rodger: I need more info re: your assumptions about what the uber rich and corps.will do if they have their taxes raised. If the uber rich and the corps are sheltering there money off shore and aren’t paying marginal rates like they did after WWII, how do we get them to spend that money here in the US? It seems to me that sheltered money is just sitting in these shelters/banks doing nothing for our economy.


  3. Rodger,

    You’re absolutely right that income inequality cannot be solved by reducing the income of the rich, and I appreciate your saying it.

    I suspect income inequality can be greatly reduced simply by elimination of the FICA tax.


  4. Ever since the FICA cut was reversed, middle class households have found themselves on the hook for up to slightly less than $10,000 extra in taxes/year. Already, this is taking a bite in retail, with Wal-Mart complaining of the worst February in many years (remember, most people are paid monthly, or at least every other week, for PAST work, so the tax bite didn’t show up until mid-January or even February).
    Taxes, in a truly monetarily sovereign nation – which we’re not, either by choice or by stupidity (I still lean toward the latter, call me a hopeless optimist) – are obsolete. We DO have to collect the “economic rent” – fully 1/3 of GDP and enough to fund any reasonably sized government, but to get us out of the recession that all but the 1% are suffering from, we need to produce money for Main Street, not for Wall Street (aka the FIRE sector), via a Public Option for Money. To do this, we just need to resurrect the US Note – our only debt-free money, next to coins.


  5. I’m sorry but I had to post when I read this. I know I’m not well liked, but here it goes.

    We finally agree on something, but not entirely. I agree that raising taxes at this stage will do nothing just like you do Mr Mitchell and that in fact, it does harm the economy. But I am not entirely in agreement. I think the difference depends on how you see the role of government and the role of citizens. One of these countries has allowed a group to take lead by force (left and right), on the other the government is by the people and for the people (capitalism – the old U.S.).

    In a capitalist society, taxes are the means of collectively deploying capital/purchasing power for purposes agreed by the citizens. In such society, citizens approve of higher taxes via votes. The capital is than deployed to build bridges, roads, schools, hospitals, etc…. When taxes are deemed too high, citizens will let the government know and things slow down a bit (the economy will turn south from time to time). Since the government is bound by taxes in such society, there is no opportunity for the government to squander citizens’ purchasing power. Economic slow downs are part of live and we should not be attempting to prevent them in the first place.

    In a society led by either the left or the right (the right makes noise but loves higher spending, they are one and the same) there is no consensus on taxes. Go look at income taxes for the last 30 years, the size of the government has grown exponentially yet taxes have NOT gone up. Well, the reason is that there is no need to raise “income taxes” when you can extract purchasing power via the devaluation of the currency, a “hidden tax”. So we have NOT gotten higher taxes, our government has devalued stolen our purchasing power by devaluing the currency/debt. It’s theft, and that’s what Mr Buffet, nor Roubini wont say because they have directly benefited from it and continue to do so today. How can anyone so rich (and old) still be in such position is beyond my ability to comprehend.

    I disagree that any entity, including our government, should have complete control over how to spend purchasing power that has NOT been earned by them. I disagree that citizens are stupid ants that should be stepped on, and that the government is so very angelic “a god-like figure” so nice it will do the best for us every time. We have many examples to pull from where the government has squandered billions, if not trillions, in stupid programs and wars (but always benefiting their friends).

    Each citizen that works his butt off to earn purchasing power should be able to spend it as he/she wishes. Is that NOT what we are looking for Mr Mitchell, the best for the common citizens?

    I’m not expecting this post to make it out to the public, but let’s see if there is still heart left.


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