–The nineteen top idiotic comments about our economy

Mitchell’s laws:
●The more federal budgets are cut and taxes increased, the weaker an economy becomes.
●Austerity is the government’s method for widening the gap between rich and poor,
which leads to civil disorder.
●Until the 99% understand the need for federal deficits, the upper 1% will rule.
●To survive long term, a monetarily non-sovereign government must have a positive balance of payments.
●Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereignty and monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics.

●The penalty for ignorance is slavery.

Here is an article in the Canada Free Press, demonstrating the incredible misinformation that has been, and is being, shoveled into the minds of the public. In one article, you will see just about every idiotic comment, concerning our economy, that ever has been made.

First idiocy:

National Debt Is Still the Biggest Threat to Our National Security
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
Americans are in denial about the simple fact that our national debt is the biggest threat to our national security.

Fact: Americans aren’t in denial. They actually believe this nonsense.

Second idiocy:

National debt grew exponentially from Washington’s profligate deficit spending, recessions, and wars.

Fact: The national, so-called “debt” is nothing more than the total of T-security accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank – no threat to anyone. The “profligate” (The word means “wildly extravagant, completely given up to dissipation and licentiousness”) spending is necessary to grow the economy.

Third idiocy:

When I looked today at the national debt clock, each taxpayer owed approximately $142,000

Fact: We taxpayers don’t owe the amounts in T-security accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank. To liquidate these accounts, the government merely debits them, while crediting checking accounts. No new dollars needed, and we are not liable for anything.

Fourth idiocy:

Perhaps the debt figure would become more real to Americans and take on dire significance if each taxpaying citizen would receive a bill for $142,000 payable in full right now, no kicking the can down the road to our children and grandchildren in exchange for our current comfort.

Fact: Deficit reduction is what “kicks the can down the road” (Have you become weary of that banality?), to our children and grandchildren, because it cuts back on their food, housing, education, fresh air and water, inheritance and the thousand of other benefits austerity will force them to forego.

Fifth idiocy:

It is true, our national debt is measured in dollars, which we can always print in order to meet our payments. This is called monetizing the deficit.

Fact: “Meeting our payments” requires nothing more than debiting T-security accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank and crediting the checking accounts of T-security holders. No new dollars are “printed.”

Sixth idiocy:

Doing so, however, creates inflation, as too much money is chasing too few goods.

Fact: Where did “too few goods” come from? The author must have heard that expression somewhere and felt compelled to use it. Anyway, since paying off the “debt” requires no additional dollars, it has no effect on inflation.

Seventh idiocy:

A responsible government should never print money in outlandish excess of GDP, the amount of final goods and services produced in a year. If they do, hyperinflation will occur, and severe devaluation of the currency.

Fact: She doesn’t explain exactly what “outlandish excess of GDP” means, but the U.S. never has had hyperinflation, not even during the Great Depression or WWII. Anyway, while federal debt is only $9 trillion and the federal deficit this year is but $1 trillion, GDP is a huge $16 trillion. Not much danger in exceeding this invented criterion of “outlandish excess.”

Eighth idiocy:

“Since 1971, U.S. borrowed $50 trillion to produce only $13 trillion of goods and services in a 40 year period.” Egon von Greyerz, a financial analyst with Matterhorn Asset Management AG in Zurich, Switzerland, said, “From 1971 when President Nixon ended the gold-backing of the dollar, virtually all of the growth in the Western world has come from the massive increase in credit rather than from real growth in the economy.”

Fact: If federal “debt” is $9 trillion, how did we “borrow $50 trillion”? Von Greyerz must mean the total of, “borrowed, repaid, borrowed, repaid, borrowed, repaid” which truly a strange measure.

And if the GDP this year is $16 trillion, how did we “produce only $13 trillion of goods and services in 40 years”? Perhaps Von Greyerz neglected to count goods and services produced in 39 of those 40 years.

Ninth idiocy:

The mantra that the “rich are not paying their fair share” promoted by the MSM sound bites and the Democrat ruling party prompted many to calculate what would happen if we were to confiscate every millionaire and billionaire’s wealth, what impact would have on our national debt, the accumulated budget deficits of previous years. All the U.S. accumulated wealth would last a mere two months.

Fact: O.K., I admit it. Aside from the gratuitous “Democrat ruling party” jab, I have no idea what this paragraph means nor, I suspect, does the author. No one I know has spoken of confiscating all billionaire’s wealth, much less confiscating millionaire’s wealth.

Though I disagree with all federal tax increases (aside from “sin” taxes), it’s difficult to get too exorcized about a 4% increase in the top marginal tax rate – a rate few billionaires ever pay (Ask Warren Buffett.)

Tenth idiocy:

There is a difference between income and wealth. The Democrats are talking about taxing the rich (income), not taxing the wealth – big difference which voters clearly do not understand. Taxing income will result in “spreading the wealth” from producers to takers in the name of “social justice” and the subsequent consumer spending, with no tangible assets created. Excessive tax discourages capital formation and job creation, stifling economic growth. Perhaps that is the political intent of the ruling party.

Fact: Dr. Paugh’s comment favors taxing wealth, i.e. property taxes, vs. taxing income. Oh, really? Her wealthy backers surely won’t like that. And she hints the “ruling party” wants to stifle economic growth, but provides no motive for her belief.

Eleventh idiocy:

Taxing the rich already brings in the lion’s share of revenue to the Treasury. If the rich are taxed too much, who is going to create manufacturing jobs, the government?

Fact: Again, though I oppose tax increases, that proposed 4% marginal increase, which hardly any rich people pay, is not going to eliminate manufacturing jobs. And manufacturing jobs are not provided by rich people, but rather by manufacturing companies, which are not slated for tax increases.

Twelfth idiocy:

Average earners and small businesses that pay taxes at the personal income tax level are now the rich

Fact: No fact here, just a great big HUH? No idea what she’s talking about.

Thirteenth idiocy:

Mark Steyn calculated that, if everyone’s tax indebtedness would go up according to (the) Buffett rule, the deficit created by the Obama administration in 2011 would be paid off in 514 years and we would still have the deficits created in the other three years of this presidency.

Fact: The federal government does not “pay off” deficits. They are the arithmetic difference between taxes and spending. Paugh probably is confused between “deficit” and “debt.” To pay off the debt the government merely debits T-security accounts and credits checking accounts.

Fourteenth idiocy:

The national debt has exceeded $16.3 trillion but Gross Domestic Product (all the final goods and services produced in a year domestically) is only $15.3 trillion, one trillion short.

Fact: The national debt is the total of outstanding T-securities sold since the beginning of America. The GDP is the goods and services produced in one year – completely different measures. It’s like comparing the sweetness of apples and airplanes.

Fifteenth idiocy:

The problem is not that Americans, rich or poor, are not paying enough taxes, the problem is that Congress and this administration are spending too much money. Spending to GDP ratio is 41 percent.

According to the formula: GDP=Federal Spending + Non-federal Spending – Net Imports, Federal Spending increases GDP.

Sixteenth idiocy:

We have paid so far in 2012 almost $4 trillion in interest from excessive borrowing when our money supply from cash and savings is $10.3 trillion.

Fact: Federal interest payments are part of Federal Spending which increases GDP. Being Monetarily Sovereign, the federal government neither needs, has or uses a “money supply” to pay its bills. It creates dollars, ad hoc, during the bill-paying process.

Seventeenth idiocy:

Our current policy seems to be putting pressure on the U.S. dollar until two options remain – default on the U.S. debt, or monetizing it by printing more money. If we default, as in any case of bankruptcy, creditor nations would demand payment in American assets – our oil fields, mines, land, parks, monuments, buildings, military bases, and even the indentured servitude of generations of taxpayers.

Fact: Being Monetarily Sovereign, the U.S. cannot be forced into bankruptcy and can pay any debt of any size. The statement about “oil fields, mines, indentured servitude,” etc. is too stupid to warrant further comment.

Eighteenth idiocy:

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said: “One of the national security threats is the question of whether or not the leaders we elect can, in fact, govern and can, in fact deal with the challenges that face this country.” (Emelie Rutherford, Defense Daily, November 26, 2012)

Fact: True, but this has nothing to do with the federal budget. Anyway, Panetta is no budget expert.

Nineteenth idiocy:

Panetta acknowledged that budgeting “can’t just be about cutting, it’s got to be about investing, investing in space and cyber, investing in unmanned systems, investing in the kind of capability to mobilize quickly if we have to. And most importantly, maintaining our defense industrial base in this country so that we are not in a position where I’m forced to contract out the most important defense capabilities that I need. I can’t do that. I can’t just contract those out to another country. I’ve got to have that capability here in the United States.”

Fact: Paugh says, “National debt is the number one threat to national security. If we keep squandering trillions of dollars borrowed from our potential foes and have nothing to show for our spending, except increasing dependency of our population on welfare, food stamps, and entitlements, if we cut NASA and rent space on Russian flights, if we spend so much that we are no longer able to invest in infrastructure, technology, medicine, space exploration, industry, manufacturing, and defense, our integrity as a powerful nation is severely threatened and damaged.”

She wants a decreased deficit, and decreased taxes, but increased spending on “infrastructure, technology, medicine, space exploration, industry, manufacturing, and defense.” Hmmm . . . wonder where decrease in deficit money will come from.

Oh, I know. Being right wing, she’ll take it from “ welfare, food stamps, and entitlements.” Isn’t she a sweet one?

And that, my friends, is in total, is the most idiotic article you ever will read – except for one thing. It isn’t idiotic at all. It’s a calculated element of the 1%’s brainwashing of the 99%. Making you believe the deficit should be reduced, is part of the master plan to widen the gap between the rich and the rest. Why else do you think Donald Trump is stumping for it.

And the plan is working. Ask anyone.
Monetary SovereigntyDr. Ileana Johnson Paugh is a freelance writer (Canada Free Press, Romanian Conservative, usactionnews.com), author, radio commentator (Silvio Canto Jr. Blogtalk Radio, Butler on Business WAFS 1190, and Republic Broadcasting Network), and speaker. Her book, “Echoes of Communism, is available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Short essays describe health care, education, poverty, religion, social engineering, and confiscation of property. A second book, “Liberty on Life Support,” is also available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Her commentaries reflect American Exceptionalism, the economy, immigration, and education.
Visit her website, ileanajohnson.com. Dr. Johnson can be reached at: ileana@canadafreepress.com


Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Monetary Sovereignty

Nine Steps to Prosperity:
1. Eliminate FICA (Click here)
2. Medicare — parts A, B & D — for everyone
3. Send every American citizen an annual check for $5,000 or give every state $5,000 per capita (Click here)
4. Long-term nursing care for everyone
5. Free education (including post-grad) for everyone
6. Salary for attending school (Click here)
7. Eliminate corporate taxes
8. Increase the standard income tax deduction annually
9. Increase federal spending on the myriad initiatives that benefit America’s 99%

No nation can tax itself into prosperity, nor grow without money growth. Monetary Sovereignty: Cutting federal deficits to grow the economy is like applying leeches to cure anemia. Two key equations in economics:
Federal Deficits – Net Imports = Net Private Savings
Gross Domestic Product = Federal Spending + Private Investment and Consumption – Net Imports


15 thoughts on “–The nineteen top idiotic comments about our economy

  1. Nice one Rodger. I am eagerly awaiting a response from the good Doctor. Gee, like that’s going to happen. I doubt they even let my responses through. Scary site by the way. Key words in recent articles- “Marxist”, “Liberal-Socialist Democrats.” By the way, when was the last time any of those types ACTUALLY EXISTED in an elective office? Seems most of the contributors at CFP are delusional.


    1. Delusional is putting it mildly, Steve. In her books and her current blog, Ileana Johnson Paugh thinks the USA is Marxist, and that Europe is spreading its “socialist tentacles to America.” Being Romanian, she thinks Obama is like Nicolae Ceausescu, a “socialist dictator.” She writes in her blog: “As Margaret Thatcher so aptly put it, the problem with socialism is that at some point you run out of other people’s money.”

      Meanwhile contributors to that Canada Free Press blog are ultra-right-wing Tea Party types who adore Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, and despise Obama because he is black. They see the USA as a “welfare state.” They want the U.S. government to eliminate social programs. They warn that Obama has a secret agenda to “gut the military” and impose single-payer health insurance. They are based in Toronto, but have a bizarre obsession with the USA. This blogger herself, Ileana Johnson Paugh, lives in Virginia. She immigrated to the USA in 1978, and now wants to keep out Mexicans.

      Need I go on?

      Still, I find her article impressive. (It was reprinted from her own blog.) Most articles about economics and money mechanics have one or two errors couched in trivial fluff. Ms. Paugh’s article manages to cram idiocy and self-contradiction into almost every sentence.

      Slight quibble with Rodger, who writes, “The national debt is the total of outstanding T-securities sold since the beginning of America. The GDP is the goods and services produced in one year – completely different measures.”

      The national debt is the total outstanding T-securities. Period. Some were purchased thirty days ago. Some thirty years ago. There may even be some U.S. savings bonds from even farther back, still unredeemed. But I don’t think the national debt goes back to 1789. In fact, I think President Jackson paid off the national debt when he shut down the Second Bank of the U.S.

      Nonetheless, Rodger’s point remains correct. The GDP is a one-year measure, whereas the national debt is disconnected from time. Hence the two items are totally unrelated. As Rodger says, when someone mentions the Debt / GDP ratio, we instantly know he is clueless.

      I like Johnny Desperado’s comment below: “After a month on MS I can’t read current events sites without throwing my mouse through the screen.”

      Ha! That’s the downside of learning the Truth, free of all the garbage. It’s lonely knowing the Truth, while everyone around you is a smug zombie. Rodger has dealt with it for over 15 years.

      By the way, if you ever have a friend who becomes an annoyance, and you would like to get rid of him in a polite way, just mention a few facts of Monetary Sovereignty. He’ll scream in pain, and run from you with his hands clasping his ears.


  2. Read another one tonight. From Jon Cohn at the New Republic about the cuts and tax hikes of the good old cliff: “The cumulative effect of these would be to reduce the deficit (yay!) but in a way that sucked a lot of money out of the economy (boo!). If it all comes to pass, the country could fall back into another recession.”
    They don’t take that extra step to ask, “When will these cuts and tax hikes NOT take money out of the economy.”
    Honest to Gumby* how hard is it to bridge that simple connection for both parties. Less welfare = less money in the economy. Less millitary = less money in the economy. More taxes = less money in the economy. After a month on MS I can’t read current events sites without throwing my mouse through the screen.

    *I have a theory that Gumby is god incognito because who else can slide around on one foot like that.


    1. That is why I have become convinced, of late, that this is part of a coordinated plan to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.

      It simply is too clear and obvious to have escaped the understanding of Congress, the President, the media and the mainstream economists.

      They all cannot be that stupid.


      1. Rodger writes, “They all cannot be that stupid.”

        And yet, over at that NEP blog, many contributors and readers (not all) continue to insist that politicians and Pete Peterson types are simply “misinformed.” One blog post yesterday referred to Obama as “credulous.”

        I find this aspect of (some) MMT people to be as annoying as the tendency of most people to reject MMT outright.

        Treasury Secretary Geithner is leading Obama’s campaign to slash social spending and increase taxes. Anyone who says Geithner is simply “misinformed” is delusional.

        News Flash: They are not “misinformed.” They are greedy, selfish liars who serve the 1%.


  3. New York Times

    Efforts to Curb Social Spending Face Resistance

    The underlying dispute highlights a reason the politics of the deficit are so thorny: even as many voters say they want Washington to reduce the budget deficit, they oppose many of the benefit cuts and tax increases that could help achieve that goal.

    “Gosh, you mean reducing the deficit requires tax increases or spending cuts?? And both hurt the economy?? And hurting the economy hurts the middle and lower income classes?? Why didn’t anyone tell us?


    The Public”


    1. About 99% bullsh*t. The man either is intentionally or unintentionally ignorant about Monetary Sovereigtnty. Everything about the deficit is part of the BIG LIE.

      And the following paragraph is ludicrous:

      For a number of years I have pointed out that the problem is the loss of US employment, consumer income, GDP, and tax base to offshoring. The solution is to reverse the outward flow of jobs and to bring them back to the US. This can be done, as Ralph Gomory has made clear, by taxing corporations according to where they add value to their product.

      A couple kernels of truth at the end, but the very last sentence is positively hilarious. Sounds like something a grade-schooler would say.


    2. Paul Craig Roberts is a deficit dove: someone who wants to cut the budget deficit, but not cut it. Or cut the deficit little by little over time, but not right now. Or cut the deficit when the economy recovers, so the economy can fall back into a recession. Or cut the deficit while increasing it.

      Ronald Reagan fell into the latter category. Reagan said that government is the problem, and the deficit must be cut, but he went on a massive spending spree anyway.

      Paul Craig Roberts adores Reagan, but he still wants to cut the deficit, so long as we increase it.

      For a deficit dove, austerity should only be applied with the economy is very strong. That way, we can protect against the economy becoming too strong, with too many people enjoying prosperity.

      If you try to point out this contradiction to deficit doves, they go silent, or they change the subject, or they respond with unrelated babble.


    1. Yes, Tyler,

      This is my favorite sentence: “The most glaring feature of today’s global landscape is that governments around the world have exhausted their capacity to borrow money and have turned to their central banks to provide unlimited credit.”

      It’s wrong on so many counts — The man is clueless about Monetary Sovereignty.


  4. Re: “Eighth idiocy:”
    (Federal Deficits = Net Private Savings+ net imports), applies to USA and other nations that have their own currencies. The treasury uses this equation which is an accounting identity. If all deficits are added, the above equation leads to

    (cumulative total govt_deficit) = (total national private wealth) = 60 Trillion, approx. This is proved in



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