The compassionate and the cowardly

Twitter: @rodgermitchell; Search #monetarysovereignty
Facebook: Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

Mitchell’s laws:
•Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereignty and monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics.
•Any monetarily NON-sovereign government — be it city, county, state or nation — that runs an ongoing trade deficit, eventually will run out of money.
•The more federal budgets are cut and taxes increased, the weaker an economy becomes..

Liberals think the purpose of government is to protect the poor and powerless from the rich and powerful. Conservatives think the purpose of government is to protect the rich and powerful from the poor and powerless.

•The single most important problem in economics is the Gap between rich and poor.
•Austerity is the government’s method for widening
the Gap between rich and poor.
•Until the 99% understand the need for federal deficits, the upper 1% will rule.
•Everything in economics devolves to motive, and the motive is the Gap between the rich and the rest..


Once we were a compassionate nation, a brave nation. We were the great United States of America.

That America is gone.  Today, half our politicians are sniveling cowards, whose immediate reaction to any problem is to build a wall and to bomb someone.

Here is an example of the compassionate — a note from Elizabeth Warren:

Over the past four years, millions of people have fled their homes in Syria, running for their lives. In recent months, the steady stream of refugees has been a flood that has swept across Europe.

Every day, refugees set out on a journey hundreds of miles, from Syria to the Turkish coast. When they arrive, human smugglers charge them $1000 a head for a place on a shoddy, overloaded, plastic raft that is given a big push and floated out to sea, hopefully toward one of the Greek islands.

Last month, I visited the Greek island of Lesvos to see the Syrian refugee crisis up close. Lesvos is only a few miles away from the Turkish coast, but the risks of crossing are immense. This is a really rocky, complicated shoreline – in and out, in and out. The overcrowded, paper-thin smuggler rafts are tremendously unsafe, especially in choppy waters or when a storm picks up.

Parents try their hardest to protect their children. They really do. Little ones are outfitted with blow up pool floaties as a substitute for life jackets, in the hope that if the rafts go down, a $1.99 pool toy will be enough to save the life of a small child.

And the rafts do go down. According to some estimates, more than 500 people have died crossing the sea from Turkey to Greece so far this year. But despite the clear risks, thousands make the trip every day.

I met with the mayor of Lesvos, who described how his tiny island of 80,000 people has struggled to cope with those refugees who wash ashore – more than 100,000 people in October alone. Refugees pile into the reception centers, overflowing the facilities, sleeping in parks, or at the side of the road. Recently, the mayor told a local radio program that the island had run out of room to bury the dead.

On my visit, I met a young girl – younger than my own granddaughters – sent out on this perilous journey alone. I asked her how old she was, and she shyly held up seven fingers.

I wondered what could possibly possess parents to hand a seven-year-old girl and a wad of cash to human smugglers. What could possibly possess them to send a beloved child across the treacherous seas with nothing more than a pool floatie. What could make them send a child knowing that crime rings of sex slavery and organ harvesting prey on these children.

Send a little girl out alone. With only the wildest, vaguest, most wishful hope that she might make it through alive and find something – anything – better for her on the other side.

This week, we all know why parents would send a child on that journey. Last week’s massacres in Paris and Beirut made it clear. The terrorists of ISIS – enemies of Islam and of all modern civilization, butchers who rape, torture and execute women and children, who blow themselves up in a lunatic effort to kill as many people as possible – these terrorists have spent years torturing the people of Syria.

Day after day, month after month, year after year, mothers, fathers, children and grandparents are slaughtered.

In the wake of the murders in Paris and Beirut last week, people in America, in Europe, and throughout the world, are fearful. Millions of Syrians are fearful as well – terrified by the reality of their daily lives, terrified that their last avenue of escape from the horrors of ISIS will be closed, terrified that the world will turn its back on them and on their children.

Some politicians have already moved in that direction, proposing to close our country to people fleeing the massacre in Syria. That is not who we are. We are a country of immigrants and refugees, a country made strong by our diversity, a country founded by those crossing the sea fleeing religious persecution and seeking religious freedom.

We are not a nation that delivers children back into the hands of ISIS murderers because some politician dislikes their religion.And we are not a nation that backs down out of fear.

Our first responsibility is to protect this country. We must embrace that fundamental obligation. But we do not make ourselves safer by ignoring our common humanity and turning away from our moral obligation.

ISIS has shown itself to the world. We cannot – and we will not – abandon the people of France to this butchery. We cannot – and we will not – abandon the people of Lebanon to this butchery. And we cannot – and we must not – abandon the people of Syria to this butchery.

That is what a compassionate American, a true American, says.

Now for the words of the cowards:

How The Paris Attacks Turned Anti-Refugee Sentiment Into Full-Blown Hysteria

How The Paris Attacks Turned Anti-Refugee Sentiment Into Full-Blown Hysteria

Simmering anti-refugee sentiment in the U.S. has blown up into full-fledged xenophobic hysteria since Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris.

The assaults — conducted largely, it is believed, by French and Belgian nationals — turned into fodder for Republicans to amp up their attacks on the Obama administration’s previously announced plans to accept more Syrian refugees next year.

Even before details of the attackers’ backgrounds had emerged, GOP candidates were screaming that refugees from regions torn by the Islamic State be banned from the United States.

Cable news pundits fueled the fire, speculating even before the assault was over that the flow of migrants through Europe were connected to attack.

By Monday, the backlash to the U.S. long tradition of accepting refugees was in full force and Congress was flirting with the idea of shutting down the government over Obama’s refugee plans.

Are you old enough to remember “The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!” terror that gripped America’s cowards fueled by (surprise!) a right-wing U. S. Senator, from Wisconsin.

Now our own right-wing politicians​ again fuel the unAmerican cowardice.

Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs put “Syrian refugees” in scare quotes and suggested French President Francis Hollande had closed the country’s borders too late.

Then came Ted Cruz, today’s version of Senator McCarthy:

Friday evening, Cruz released a statement that said, “We need to immediately declare a halt to any plans to bring refugees that may have been infiltrated by ISIS to the United States.

Ooohhh, the immigrants are coming! The immigrants are coming!

(Ben) Carson said Friday evening at the summit he would not have allowed refugees to settle in the U.S. in the first place.

Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) said allowing refugees to resettle here would “accomplish what ISIS wants to accomplish by accepting them.”

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), echoing Carson, said he “wouldn’t invite the refugees in the first place” and Carly Fiorina also bashed Obama’s program.

Donald Trump said, “to take in 250,000 — some of whom are going to have problems, big problems — is just insane.” (Where the 250,000 number comes from is unclear.)

But this is the same line Trump used about Mexicans. Apparently, despite his loud bluster, he is afraid of everyone — and cares for no one.

Former Arkansas Mike Huckabee (R-AK) told CNN it was “craziest thing” to “take people who live in a desert who don’t speak our language, who don’t understand our culture, who don’t share a same worldview, and bring them to Minnesota during the winter.”

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal — at the time still a presidential candidate — sent Obama a letter Saturday asking for more details about refugees settling in his state.

The governors of Michigan and Alabama took it one step farther, declaring that Syrian refugees would not be permitted in their states.</blockquote

These boobs not only are cowards, but too stupid to know that a governor cannot prevent anyone, who is in the U.S. legally, from coming into their state. Duh!

By Monday evening, more than two dozen governors had come out against refugees coming into their states.

Remember, these are the same brave, compassionate souls who are so cowardly, they whined about a couple of difficult questions in their debate (forgetting that Hillary Clinton underwent 11 hours of grilling, without complaint</strong), and who are so terrified of Mexicans, blacks and gays, they want to be able to carry guns everywhere they go.

These very "religious," right-winger, wash their hands like Pontius Pilate, and turn their cowardly backs on the need — as always.

As is commonly known, the bigger the mouth, the smaller the heart. And these guys pretend to be oh, so patriotic . 

Welcome to the United States of Cowards and Mean-Spirited Jerks

Truly disgusting.

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Monetary Sovereignty

Ten Steps to Prosperity:
1. Eliminate FICA (Click here)
2. Federally funded Medicare — parts A, B & D plus long term nursing care — for everyone (Click here)
3. Provide an Economic Bonus to every man, woman and child in America, and/or every state a per capita Economic Bonus. (Click here) Or institute a reverse income tax.
4. Free education (including post-grad) for everyone. Click here
5. Salary for attending school (Click here)
6. Eliminate corporate taxes (Click here)
7. Increase the standard income tax deduction annually Click here
8. Tax the very rich (.1%) more, with higher, progressive tax rates on all forms of income. (Click here)
9. Federal ownership of all banks (Click here and here)

10. Increase federal spending on the myriad initiatives that benefit America’s 99% (Click here)

The Ten Steps will add dollars to the economy, stimulate the economy, and narrow the income/wealth/power Gap between the rich and the rest.

10 Steps to Economic Misery: (Click here:)
1. Maintain or increase the FICA tax..
2. Spread the myth Social Security, Medicare and the U.S. government are insolvent.
3. Cut federal employment in the military, post office, other federal agencies.
4. Broaden the income tax base so more lower income people will pay.
5. Cut financial assistance to the states.
6. Spread the myth federal taxes pay for federal spending.
7. Allow banks to trade for their own accounts; save them when their investments go sour.
8. Never prosecute any banker for criminal activity.
9. Nominate arch conservatives to the Supreme Court.
10. Reduce the federal deficit and debt

No nation can tax itself into prosperity, nor grow without money growth. Monetary Sovereignty: Cutting federal deficits to grow the economy is like applying leeches to cure anemia.
1. A growing economy requires a growing supply of dollars (GDP=Federal Spending + Non-federal Spending + Net Exports)
2. All deficit spending grows the supply of dollars
3. The limit to federal deficit spending is an inflation that cannot be cured with interest rate control.
4. The limit to non-federal deficit spending is the ability to borrow.

Monetary Sovereignty

Vertical gray bars mark recessions. Recessions come after the blue line drops below zero and when deficit growth declines.

As the federal deficit growth lines drop, we approach recessions, each of which has been cured only when the growth lines rose.

Increasing federal deficit growth (aka “stimulus”) is necessary for long-term economic growth.


20 thoughts on “The compassionate and the cowardly

  1. Where there is genuine compassion, there is genuine courage, and vice-versa. The result is strength.

    Where there is cowardice and selfishness, there is hate, and vice-versa. The result is weakness.

    All the Republican candidates are weaklings and losers. A couple of them may have a little money, but they are failures as human beings, and hence, losers.

    I don’t agree with Hillary’s politics, but I do concede that Hillary is polished and professional compared to these Republican twits.

    By the way, who are these hated refugees from the U.S.-led proxy war on Syria?

    One of them is Noujain Mustaffa, 16. She has cerebral palsy, which does not affect the mind, but confines a person to a wheelchair. Ms. Mustaffa is semi-paralyzed, but nonetheless travelled 4,000 miles in her WHEELCHAIR to escape the Western-sponsored slaughter in Syria. Her dream is to reach Germany, meet the queen in England, and one day be an astronaut. The New York Times has pictures and videos of her odyssey (or part of it anyway).

    Watch if you dare…

    Rodger is disgusted. So am I. However, let us must remember that no one develops a moral conscience until he chooses to do so. Until that point, he is unreachable, no matter what we say to him, and no matter how hard we try.

    Let us focus on the Elizabeth Warrens of the world. They are the only ones worthy of our energy.

    Here is a metaphor that applies to everything from refugees to the facts of Monetary Sovereignty…

    We are all lying on the floor of a gigantic warehouse, wrapped in individual cocoons that are impenetrable from outside, and only be torn open from the inside. Our escape requires a personal choice and a personal effort. Once we break out, we find ourselves surrounded by endless millions of cocoons. At first we feel lonely and frustrated (and therefore angry). But eventually we start looking for others who chose to break out (like Elizabeth Warren).

    Let us spend our mental time with them, rather than lamenting the cocoons. Occasionally we will hear the sound of someone choosing to break out, and we will be there to welcome them.

    We can’t change anyone’s mind. We can only help people who wish to change their own minds. These are the conclusions I have reached after feeling frustrated myself.


    1. I forgot to mention something…

      Breaking out of our cocoon is not a one-time deal. It is a process that repeats, perhaps forever.

      We choose to break out, spend time with others who chose to break out, and then we discover that we are in another, different cocoon. We must choose to break out of this one too. The people around us who broke out of their cocoons may or may not chose to break out of their next cocoon at the same time we do.

      Each time we break out of a cocoon, we find ourselves in a different cocoon.

      This is not an exercise in futility. It is the process of spiritual evolution and maturation. Each of us is at a different level of “cocoon-escapes.”


    2. I noted above that cerebral palsy affects motor coordination, not the mind. It is a “movement disorder.”

      Noujain Mustaffa was raised in a world where everyone around her spoke Arabic, yet she taught herself to speak English by watching soap operas — a feat that would be beyond my own mental ability.

      Below, she has survived all the detention camps, and has reached Germany after traveling 4,000 miles in her wheelchair, She is ecstatically grateful. Her English is halting, because she is so emotional (i.e. happy), but in other videos she speaks English quite well.

      To me she is an emissary from a higher plane of existence. That’s why Republicans hate her, and would throw into the Guantanamo dungeon if they could.



    I try not to be to verbose, but often my comments become lengthy anyway.

    There is one comment about monetary issues that I have wanted to make since I first encountered Rodger’s blog a month ago. But I could never condense that comment into one or two paragraphs. Just now I decided to write it anyway, and it ended up being 3,000 words, which is the longest comment I have ever written, and ever will write.

    That is too long for here, so just now I made my own blog, which is dedicated to Rodger, MS, and everyone here.

    Please visit me and check out that lengthy comment. I wrote three other blog posts there today that are MUCH, MUCH shorter…

    Oh, and I will continue to comment here too. 🙂


    1. Good job, Elizabeth.

      Your comments have demonstrated a real understanding of Monetary Sovereignty, as well as being well researched.

      I hope you develop a large following so you can paint the beautiful truth over the ugly house of lies the rich have erected.

      Good luck to you.

      Rodger Malcolm Mitchell


  3. And the beat goes on:

    This Isn’t America’s First Freakout Over Refugees

    In the late 1930s and early ’40s, Americans saw Nazi agents everywhere.

    The Saturday Evening Post told its readers that Nazis “disguised as refugees” were working around the world as “spies, fifth columnists, propagandists or secret commercial agents.”

    This theory was endorsed by no less than President Franklin Roosevelt, who said at a press conference that refugees (“especially Jewish refugees”) could be pressed into Nazi service with the words “we are frightfully sorry, but your old father and mother will be taken out and shot.”

    Richard Breitman and Alan Kraut point out that “fewer than one-half of one percent of all refugees arriving from Nazi-Soviet territory in 1940” fell under enough suspicion to be brought in for questioning; just a fraction of those were indicted, and “most of those were violation of immigration regulations rather than espionage.”

    The Nation Magazine ran a regular feature, called “Within Our Gates,” devoted to exposing alleged fifth-column activities; one installment argued that “every German alien in the country” except the refugees and obvious dissidents “must be presumed to be doing everything within his power to undermine the United States.”

    Where were Donald Trump and his wall when we needed them?

    Rafael Medoff writes in Blowing the Whistle on Genocide, “the State Department exaggerated the threat, and Assistant Secretary of State Breckinridge Long used it as a pretext to cut in half the use of the already small quotas” of Jews permitted into the country.”

    That was in 1940; in 1941 Long tightened the number yet again.

    By 1944, Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau would write a blistering memo complaining that State Department officials had “not only failed to use the Governmental machinery at their disposal to rescue Jews from Hitler, but have even gone so far as to use this Government machinery to prevent the rescue of these Jews.”

    Jews, Muslims, Syrians, Mexicans, non-Christians — they’re all the same to the bigots. Find any excuse for xenophobia.

    “Enemies of the state” is a handy excuse.


    Donald Trump Won’t Rule Out Special ID Cards for Muslim Americans

    “We’re going to have to do things that we never did before,” said Trump.

    Yahoo News asked if this meant requiring Muslim Americans to register with the government and carry special identification.

    “We’re going to have to — we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” he replied. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”

    Earlier, Trump suggested outright shutting down some American mosques, something that would clearly be unconstitutional.

    This is what bigotry and cowardice cause: A Hitler America. Next: The Gestapo?


    How America reacts to an emergency:

    The Republicans’ Rhetoric of Hate and Fear

    Fear, laced with paranoia, is driving the American response against allowing Syrian refugees into the United States.

    President Obama has said he would accept 10,000 refugees, all of them subjected to intense scrutiny before being admitted to the country. France, with a population about one-fifth that of the United States, despite the worst attack on its soil since World War II, will accept 30,000 refugees.

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) told the Senate, “We are not a nation that delivers children back into the hands of ISIS because some politician doesn’t like their religion.” Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.), a Jew, said the nation should “not allow ourselves to be divided and succumb to Islamophobia,” and that when “thousands of people have lost everything–have nothing left but the shirts on their backs–we will not turn our backs on the refugees.”



    How cowardice and bigotry come back to bite us in the butt:

    ISIS Assumes We’re Stupid — And Our Useful Idiots Keep Proving It

    The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS, is pursuing a strategy explicitly designed to provoke hostility toward innocent Muslims in Western society in order to radicalize these communities and recruit them to their cause.

    Listening to the American political debate in the wake of the tragic terrorist attacks in Paris, that strategy may be working.

    Islamophobic rants are both morally offensive and factually inaccurate and play right into the hands of our terrorist enemies.

    Right-wing, are you listening?


    Who are the real terrorists?

    Experts: Attacks Like Charleston Worry Cops More Than Islamic Extremism

    A survey, conducted last year by Kurzman and David Shanzer of Duke University, in collaboration with the Police Executive Research Forum, found that 74 percent of law enforcement agencies ranked anti-government extremism among the top three terror threats they faced.

    By contrast, threats linked to groups like al-Qaeda registered at that same level among only 39 percent of the 382 agencies surveyed.

    “Far-right extremism was not just anti-government folks, it included white supremacists and other forms of right-wing extremism as well. So it’s possible that [the Charleston shooting] is indeed part of the overall threat of right-wing extremism that we found law enforcement agencies quite concerned about.”

    You are far, far more likely to be killed by a right-winger exercising his first Amendment rights, than by a Muslim jihadist or a Mexican undocumented immigrant.

    So who should be barred from this country?


    1. It isn’t just hatred, Rodger. It’s larceny too. As you know, most U.S. CITIZENS of Japanese descent were rounded up during World War II and forcibly confined to detention camps. Many of these U.S. CITIZENS had pieces of real estate that were coveted by well-connected whites. When these U.S. CITIZENS were imprisoned, they lost their property to the whites. The US Supreme Court approved of these CITIZENS’ detention and thus, de facto, of their property losses. When these U.S. CITIZENS were finally released, they could try to sue to get their property back, but this was very difficult and expensive.

      Regarding the Nazis “disguised as refugees” hysteria, this is what happens when there is a major war with military conscription. Everyone is hateful and afraid. The civilian police and the military police harass everyone, looking for draft dodgers, lest the police officers’ own names be added to the combat draft list.

      During World War II in North Africa and then Europe, why couldn’t American soldiers just wander away from the camps, and refuse to fight? The countryside was big. Why get shot for nothing? The answer is that soldiers who wandered away would quickly grow hungry, or they would need medical attention, or they would need something else from their fellow Americans. They minute they approached any U.S. emplacement, the MPs arrested them and investigated them as possible deserters. “Name! Unit! Orders! Destination! What are you doing out here? Prove you are not a deserter!” For this reason, MPs were widely hated. The MPs hunted possible deserters so the MPs did not have to face death themselves.

      Today we are again at war, only now it is the rich making war on the rest. Same fear. Same hatreds. Same scumbags protecting their own necks by tossing others to the wolves. And always there is the collective drive to widen the Gap below.


    1. Excellent comments, as usual, Elizabeth.

      You might want to clarify this: “Single Payer Health Insurance, which would regulate medical expenses.”

      Although the government, as single payer, does regulate medical expenses, this is a two-edged sword. There is no need to “regulate” medical expenses; the government can afford anything, and all dollars the government spends stimulate the economy.

      Today, Medicare does set limits on medical expenses, but I believe many limits are unnecessarily low, and in fact, hinder medical services.

      The need for Medicare supplemental insurance demonstrates the insufficient nature of federal payments. It punishes the poor, who cannot afford supplemental insurance, but also cannot afford to pay the remainder.

      It is medical austerity.

      If doctors and hospitals were paid “too much” (whatever that is), who would be hurt and who would benefit?

      Answer: No one would be hurt and everyone would benefit from improved medical services and economic stimuli.


      1. Many thanks Rodger. I was hoping you would scan that post, because I knew you would spot errors. You are correct. The Single Payer reference is problematic and debatable. Therefore I changed the wording to this…

        FORBES: Spending for most of these items will continue to rise. This is inevitable because the cost of health care will continue to increase.

        COMMENT: So what? The U.S. government can afford anything. Incidentally, government funding for things like Medicare will not necessarily increase. Politicians can slash Medicare, using the lie that the U.S. government is “broke.” Even now Medicare pays for too few medical expenses.

        I try to avoid the term “government spending,” because “spending” connotes that the MS federal government is the same as non-MS entities. If I “spend” money, then I give from my own supply. The U.S. government, by contrast, creates money. Therefore I prefer the term “government funding.”

        On a different note, right-wingers want to cut Social Security disability, which is already too low, and very difficult to qualify for. They also want to cut Medicare, which is mainly used by seniors.

        Nobody in good faith would support such cruelty, or would claim that austerity brings general prosperity.

        Unfortunately our society has a shortage of “good faith.”


  4. There it is again.

    Last Tuesday, Ellen Brown of the “Public Banking Institute” told her guests at a dinner presentation…

    “How did the government get so far in debt? Isn’t money issued by the government? No, not since Abraham Lincoln. Today banks create the bulk of the money supply. All our money is owed to the banks with interest.”

    Wrong. Some of it is, but not all of it. The U.S. government will create $4 trillion in FY 2016. Not a penny of that will be borrowed from anyone.

    “From 1939-74, Canada borrowed from its own central bank interest-free, and funded major projects with national credit.”

    Really? Canada had no central government? No government spending? No fiscal policy?

    “Without interest, France might have no national debt.”

    Really? France gave up its Monetary Sovereignty, and France has had a trade deficit for eight of the last twelve months. Therefore a mushrooming national debt is unavoidable.

    “Without interest, the US and Canada might also have no national debt.”

    Yeah, because no one would buy T-securities that didn’t offer interest. What’s that got to do with the creation of money?

    “Without interest, even a large federal debt might be sustainable.”

    It’s perfectly sustainable now, since the U.S. Treasury can create limitless money, interest-free.

    “Interest could be eliminated by borrowing from the central bank.”

    Why not just increase deficit spending? Oh that’s right, because all government money is “borrowed from the banks.”

    These people are incorrigible. I once met Ellen Brown and tried to explain the facts to her. She said I was “confused and deceived.”

    Click to access can-the-debt-be-paid-11-17-15.pdf


  5. Roger,

    Next: The Gestapo?

    Donald Trump would “absolutely” bring back waterboarding and “strong interrogation”, he said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”


  6. “Americans are asking “Why do they hate us?”

    They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other.” – George W. Bush, President of the United States, to a joint session of Congress on September 20, 2001.

    Most Americans view the carnage in Paris as an assault on our values. Ironically, Republican candidates for President are falling all over themselves to be the first to abandon them.


  7. Just when it seemed Trump couldn’t stoop any lower…

    Late last week, Donald Trump boasted that through “good management,” he could create some kind of federal registry of Muslim Americans.

    A wall between Mexico and the U.S.
    Deporting 11 million immigrants and letting back “the good ones.”
    A registry of Muslim Americans.
    Torturing prisoners by waterboarding

    When the discussion turned to the issue of the government closing mosques, the candidate added, “You have very, very tough people that you’re dealing with. They only understand strength.” Asked for his criteria for closing American houses of worship, Trump eventually clarified, “Well, I don’t want to close mosques; I want to surveil mosques. I want mosques surveiled.” But not all of them, he said, just the “bad ones.”

    Well, that ought to clear things up.

    And this is the leading Republican candidate. Who are the people who have made him the leading candidate?


  8. “Once we were a compassionate nation, a brave nation. We were the great United States of America.”……….. when was this magical period? the great, compassionate USA has been the greatest terrorist threat in the world for decades, murdering democratically elected foreign leaders because they didn’t kowtow to our corporatist/geopolitical demands. propaganda is the name of the game in the great, compassionate USA, with the media hand in hand (see Phil and Katharine Graham, Washington Post, 1970s). Katharine Graham herself rationalized this policy in a speech she gave at CIA headquarters in 1988. “We live in a dirty and dangerous world,” she said. “There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn’t. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows.”….. if there are ever humanitarian reasons to justify US actions (and they pale in comparison to the geopolitical/corporatist reasons), it is only used to placate the masses, and to buttress the myth that the US is a, “compassionate and brave nation”.


    1. You make good points. Perhaps I should have said, “. . . a more compassionate nation, a braver nation.”

      We did pass Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, social programs, voting rights and other equality acts. Unfortunately, the right wing is determined to return America to the bad old days of bigotry and rule by money.


      1. yes we did, but unless I can convince the people that should be on our side, the facts, then I have no hope for this country. and these people, the educated, professional, so called minority class, couldn’t care less, anymore than your country club friends.


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