Another day of your life under Trump — August 10, 2018 edition.

If lies, incompetence, and outright craziness are your favored form of entertainment, you surely must enjoy watching the Trump administration in action.

Trump lashes out at ‘fake, disgusting news’ as he denies he was late for his meeting with the Queen – and claims it was actually HER who kept him waiting.


Well, you can see where Trump is coming from, it’s not like she was there first stood waiting for him, oh wait… Okay, but it’s not like she was waiting a while, checking her watch or something stupid, erm…

Well, this is awkward. But what kind of sheeple believes parallel coverage from multiple sources, least of all the worst propagator of fake news, your own eyes.

For those of you few who still believe anything Trump says, you might want to ask the queen, Fox and Friends, or Breitbart for their version of reality.

President Trump Says He’s Doubling Steel and Aluminum Tariffs ‘With Respect to Turkey

Tweet: “I have just authorized a doubling of Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum with respect to Turkey as their currency, the Turkish Lira, slides rapidly downward against our very strong Dollar! Aluminum will now be 20% and Steel 50%. Our relations with Turkey are not good at this time!”

Trump’s tweet caused a further drop in the Turkish currency, which is now down 13 percent on the day.

It seems like only yesterday when Turkey was our ally. Actually, it seems like only yesterday when the U.S. had any allies.

We don’t want the Turkish Lira to slide against the Dollar, so we do whatever we can to make it slide further against our Dollar. Trust me. I know what I’m doing.

Los Angeles Times: Court Tells the EPA: Ban This Insecticide

The Obama administration had proposed banning the widely used pesticide chlorpyrifos on food crops after studies showed it can harm the brains of children.

Former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt didn’t see it that way and reversed that course of action. Now, a three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ordered the Trump administration to mandate a halt to use of the pesticide within 60 days.

One of the Trump administration’s incompetent crooks (there are so many), decided that children’s brains are not worth protecting.

Pruitt may have assumed brain-damaged children will grow up to be Trump supporters.

Judge halts mother-daughter deportation and threatens to hold Sessions in contempt

A federal judge in Washington halted an apparent deportation-in-progress Thursday and threatened to hold Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions in contempt after learning that the Trump administration tried to remove a woman and her daughter while a court hearing appealing their deportations was underway.Related image

“This is pretty outrageous,” said U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan after being told about the removal. “That someone seeking justice in U.S. court is spirited away while her attorneys are arguing for justice for her?”

Attorneys for the civil rights organization and the U.S. Department of Justice had agreed to delay removal proceedings for Carmen until 11:59 p.m. Thursday so they could argue the matter in court.

But lead ACLU attorney Jennifer Chang Newell, who was participating in the court hearing via phone from her office in California, received an email during the hearing that said the mother and daughter were being deported.

During a brief recess, she told her colleagues the pair had been taken from a family detention center in Dilley, Texas, and were headed to the airport in San Antonio for an 8:15 a.m. flight.

Justice Department attorney Erez Reuveni said he had not been told the deportation was happening that morning, and could not confirm the whereabouts of Carmen and her daughter.

Carmen fled El Salvador with her daughter in June, according to court records, fearing they would be killed by gang members who had demanded she pay them monthly or suffer consequences.

Several coworkers at the factory where Carmen worked had been murdered, and her husband is also abusive, the records state.

It isn’t often that the Attorney General of the United States has to be threatened with contempt by a federal judge, but then it isn’t often that the United States is burdened with such a contemptable Attorney General.

See, it’s like this judge: The Donald wants us to be mean-spirited, lying, sneaky b*st*rds. So we kidnapped those people, hoping you wouldn’t find out. It’s all Hillary’s and the fake media’s fault.

Anyway, how are we expected to know where these people are, when we don’t even know where those immigrant children and parents we previously separated are?

Melania Trump’s parents become citizens through ‘chain migration’ 

Melania Trump’s parents were sworn in as US citizens on Thursday, completing a legal path to citizenship that their son-in-law has suggested eliminating.

Lawyer Michael Wildes confirmed that the first lady sponsored their green cards.

Her husband, Donald Trump, has proposed ending most family-based immigration, which he refers to as “chain migration”.

The president proposed replacing most family-based immigration with a skills-based system.

The plan, which Trump reiterated last week at a Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania rally, would limit immigrants like his wife to sponsoring only their spouses and underage children to join them in the US – not their parents, adult children or siblings.

Uh, well it’s like this. Melania’s parents are white, Christian, and they don’t come from Mexico, or other shithole countries, so obviously they are legal.

And they have great skills, or something.

The government is making it easier for “dark money” donors to go unnamed
The IRS will no longer ask the NRA and other nonprofit groups to disclose donors.

The Treasury Department on Monday said it planned to end requirements that certain tax-exempt organizations identify their financial contributors on their tax returns.Image result for dirty money gun

The decision means groups such as the National Rifle Association, Planned Parenthood, and the AARP will no longer have to tell the IRS who’s giving them money.

The decision landed the same day as the Justice Department announced the arrest of Maria Butina, a Russian national with NRA ties who is accused of trying to influence US politics.

Ethics experts say Treasury’s maneuver will make identifying activities like those Butina has been accused of even harder to track.

The Treasury Department’s announcement on Monday regarding donor disclosures will make deciphering the murkiness surrounding the NRA more difficult because it undermines the federal government’s ability to detect illegal activities by nonprofit groups.

“As you know, the Russians and North Koreans are our friends, unlike the Canadians, the British, the French, the Turks, the Mexicans, South America and Africa, all of whom are our enemies.

“Despite what the lying American FBI and the fake American CIA say, Putin told me he did not do anything to influence our elections. I believe him. That’s why I want to help him keep his political contributions secret (Then, he won’t reveal my pee tape, and will lend me money to build Trump Tower, Moscow.)

“Anyway, we love dark money. All us rich people do. How else are we supposed to control the U.S. government?”

Last surviving prosecutor at Nuremberg trials says Trump’s family separation policy is ‘crime against humanity’

(Benjamin Berell Ferencz was the Chief Prosecutor for the United States Army at the Nuremberg, Germany. Later, he became an advocate of the establishment of an international rule of law and of an International Criminal Court.)

(Crimes against humanity are certain acts that are deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack or individual attack directed against any civilian or an identifiable part of a civilian population.) 

The last surviving member of the Nuremberg trials prosecuting team has said Donald Trump committed “a crime against humanity” with the recent family separation policy.

Ben Ferencz, 99, said it was “painful” when he heard about how the Trump administration had separated more than 2,000 children from their families after they had crossed the US-Mexico border.

Mr Ferencz had been just 27 when he served as the chief prosecutor at the Einsatzgruppen trial, during which 22 Nazi officials were found guilty of killing more than a million people.

Mostly fleeing drug-related gang violence and poverty in Central American countries, they crossed the border illegally but often seeking asylum in the US.

The parents have been charged with a crime though US law requires asylum seekers to enter the country before applying for the protected status.

Sure, we are doing what the Nazis did, but instead of killing innocent people ourselves, we are sending them back to be killed by others. It’s cleaner that way.

But these aren’t exactly people; they are brown, criminal and rapist infants.  I learned all of this at Trump University.

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Monetary Sovereignty
Twitter: @rodgermitchell; Search #monetarysovereignty
Facebook: Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

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