–Who, in the world of economics, is asking for that next super-computer?

Mitchell’s laws:
●The more budgets are cut and taxes increased, the weaker an economy becomes.

●Until the 99% understand the need for federal deficits, the 1% will rule.
●To survive long term, a monetarily non-sovereign government must have a positive balance of payments.
●Austerity = poverty and leads to civil disorder.
●Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereignty and monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics.


First question: How much economic data is there? The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’s “FRED” service lists the following data categories:

Money, Banking, & Finance (3,812)
National Accounts (704)
Population, Employment, & Labor Markets (2,234)
Production & Business Activity (1,331)
Prices (1,613)
International Data (5,046)
U.S. Regional Data (31,376)

That’s about forty five thousand categories, with each category having thousands of individual data points – many millions of individual pieces of data – and that’s just from FRED alone.

Now add all the economic data from every nation on earth. Add all the data from every stock, commodity and financial exchange. Add all weather data from around the world. And all patent data. And all river/lake/ocean data. All geographical data. Add the compositions of the atmospheric layers. Add every position of the moon and the sun.

The list goes on and on, trillions upon trillions of individual data points — more than the number of water drops in the ocean (that too, is a data point).

Second question: Which of these data and combinations of data, has zero effect on the U.S. economy? There is reason to believe economics is a chaotic system, in which small changes can have large effects. In meteorology, which is a chaotic system, they call that the “butterfly effect,” whereby a butterfly flapping its wings in Africa can cross a tipping point that causes a hurricane to hit the New Orleans.

If economics is indeed a chaotic system, then all data – all trillions upon trillions of data points – affect the U.S. economy.

I again thought about that when I saw an article in the Global Economic Intersection describing The Conference Board’s Leading Economic Index (LEI) and Coincident Economic Index (CEI). They look like this:

Monetary Sovereignty

The LEI has 10 categories and the CEI has 4 categories — at most a few thousand data points between them — an infinitesimal fraction of the data that affects the current status and the future status of the the U.S. economy. And because that tiny data is insufficient, the best the users can hope (emphasis on the word “hope”) to do is predict some generalizations about the economy, perhaps a couple months in advance.

In meteorological terms, this is like predicting the possibility of rain, two minutes in advance — virtually useless.

The problem is not a shortage of data. We have the data. We have the communications systems that can assemble the data. We have the ability to plug all this data into a multiple regression formula:

by Amit Choudhury (2009)

Multiple regression analysis is a powerful technique used for predicting the unknown value of a variable from the known value of two or more variables- also called the predictors. More precisely, multiple regression analysis helps us to predict the value of Y for given values of X1, X2, …, Xk.

For example the yield of rice per acre depends upon quality of seed, fertility of soil, fertilizer used, temperature, rainfall. If one is interested to study the joint affect of all these variables on rice yield, one can use this technique.
An additional advantage of this technique is it also enables us to study the individual influence of these variables on yield.

In multiple regression analysis, adding variables generally increases accuracy. That is why the federal government is spending many millions of dollars to build a huge super-computer (100 racks of servers and 72,000 core processors, so many parts that they must be delivered in the back of a 747. It will be capable of performing 1.5 quadrillion calculations — a quadrillion is a 1 followed by 15 zeros — every second).

Unfortunately (for economists), the supercomputer will be used my meteorologists.

The Jun 12 2012 post titled, “Which is more important to our lives: Meteorology or Economics?” ended with this: “Considering its affect on human lives, economics is the most important science of all. So where are the super computers? We want that next machine. We need that next machine. The American people need us to have that next machine. My question is: Who in the world of economics, is asking for that next machine?”

Today, the science, most immediately to our lives, science uses a prediction system based on ten categories. Ten categories! It’s pitiful.

By its dollar allocation, the federal government seems to tell us, “Predicting the economy isn’t all that important. Understanding the future effects of present day Congressional decisions isn’t meaningful. The President really doesn’t need to know what his signing or vetoing of a bill will do to the economy, now or in the future.”

Wearing blindfolds, Congress and the President play darts. Their speeches assure us, they know exactly where their darts will land. Because of political considerations, they toss their darts in all directions. When the public complains that the darts have missed their target, Congress and the President, still wearing blindfolds, tell the Fed to move the dart board, somewhere. Then they throw again.

And this is how our economy is managed: Blindfolded.

The great nation of the United States of America needs to evaluate the future economic effects of present-day decisions. Just as with weather prediction, evaluating a handful of data won’t do it. We need to evaluate millions, even trillions, of data points.

So I ask again, “Who in the world of economics, is asking for that next super-computer?”

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

No nation can tax itself into prosperity, nor grow without money growth. Monetary Sovereignty: Cutting federal deficits to grow the economy is like applying leeches to cure anemia. Two key equations in economics:
Federal Deficits – Net Imports = Net Private Savings
Gross Domestic Product = Federal Spending + Private Investment and Consumption + Net exports


3 thoughts on “–Who, in the world of economics, is asking for that next super-computer?

  1. Rodger writes, “We want that next machine. We need that next machine. The American people need us to have that next machine. My question is: Who in the world of economics is asking for that next machine? Our economy is managed blindfolded.”

    I will disagree with you Rodger, only to turn around and agree with you. Indeed, my view will piggyback on yours.

    First, I don’t think our economy is managed blindfolded. I think the 1% (and their servants) manage our economy precisely, in order to increase the gap between themselves and the 99%.

    Second, new technology can be good or bad. The distinguish factor is human compassion.

    Let’s consider the bigger picture. It is human nature to seek power over others, but craving for power can be outweighed by love, compassion, empathy, and altruism. This is actually the case in some of us. It is the case in Rodger, as I will prove below.

    Until some of us becomes most of us, all technology (e.g. new computers) will be used to promote greed, selfishness, and control (the police state). New technology sometimes yields side benefits, but without compassion, it generally increases greed and suffering. Without compassion, economic commentary is lies and gibberish. Without compassion, we widen the gap between people, and between social classes, no matter what we do. It is inevitable. The 1% seek to widen the gap. So does the 99% in their own way.

    Compassion means we seek to decrease the gaps between people, and between social classes. Monetary Sovereignty does this, if we truly recognize and apply it. Therefore Rodger’s views are not gibberish. They are compassionate.

    Today, compassion is in short supply. Almost EVERYTHING is geared to increasing the gap between the 1% and the 99%. Do you have a new computer that can be used for economics? Great. We will use it to strengthen our lies, and spread our greed like a deadly virus. We will make the 99% cling to their slavery by making them seek to crush all who are below them.

    Without compassion, technology is hideous. But WITH compassion (i.e. the desire to decrease the gaps) technology is beautiful.

    Put another way, technology is an excellent servant, but a harsh master. The distinguishing factor is compassion. Always has been, and always will be. Indeed, this applies to the human mind itself, since technology is an extension of the mind. The mind is an excellent servant, but a harsh master. Again, the distinguishing factor is compassion (or love, or whatever you want to call it). Without compassion, we are confused. We spout lies and gibberish. We steal from others, and we rationalize our theft. We think we are smarter and better.We seek to crush those beneath us. We become slaves of the mind. We think we have things figured out, when in fact we have no clue. We become addicted to madness. Logic becomes twisted. Black becomes white, and vice-versa. All is chaos. Pain multiplies exponentially.

    The way out of this hell is compassion. Always has been. Always will be.

    I say this to you, Rodger, because I know you are with me on this.


  2. A reader, Roger Erickson sent me this article:
    With 16 petaflops and 1.6M cores, DOE supercomputer is world’s fastest

    To start, the cluster is on a relatively open network, allowing many scientists to use it. But after IBM’s debugging process is over around February 2013, the cluster will be moved to a classified network that isn’t open to academics or outside organizations. At that point, it will be devoted almost exclusively to simulations aimed at extending the lifespan of nuclear weapons.

    Three DOE systems are in the top 10 [worldwide, in terms of speed].

    Petascale computers have become relatively commonplace. . . Exascale, which would be 1,000 times faster, is the next big breakthrough for the IBMs, HPs, and Crays of the world to aspire to.

    But a big advance in price-performance is necessary. The K Computer in Japan, for example, cost more than $1 billion to build and $10 million to operate each year. Livermore told us it spent roughly $250 million on Sequoia.

    The Department of Energy has three, thus proving the lifespan of nuclear weapons is more important than the economy.


  3. Rodger writes, “The Department of Energy has three petascale computers, thus proving that the lifespan of nuclear weapons is more important than the economy.”

    I think the economy remains supremely important to the 1%. If you own the central bank, and you issue the currency, then you control the economy. You have a weapon known as debt, which is more powerful than nuclear weapons. You can buy armies, police forces, and governments. You can buy the planet. You are God.

    Today the moneyed powers are God. All they care about is power. They have already enslaved mankind. For them, advanced computers are toys for servants and menials.


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