-Do you believe President Obama is gay ??

An alternative to popular faith

       If a reporter were to come to his editor with a proposed article titled, “President Obama is gay,” the editor would demand supporting evidence, before that article ever saw daylight.
      However, if the same reporter submitted an article titled, “Federal deficit is too high,” history says the editor would ask for no supporting evidence, nor would the article contain any. The media merely assume, as a matter of faith, that revenue neutrality is more prudent than deficits.

      Economics is rare, perhaps unique, among sciences, most of which demand evidence for their hypotheses. Only in economics can intuition and popular faith obviate facts or even the desire for facts. Thus, I have had editors, columnists and reporters tell me it is “obvious” that large deficits are unsustainable, crowd out lending funds, lead to recessions, depressions, inflations and hyper-inflations. When I ask for evidence to support these views, I seldom hear from them again, probably because they feel scientific evidence is unnecessary in a science, but more importantly, they don’t have any.
      Even the Concord Coalition, an organization that for seventeen years, has collected vast amounts of money to preach for federal deficit reduction, unashamedly offers no evidence to support its views. Check its website, http://www.concordcoalition.org, or write to them and you will see they neither offer, nor have, evidence.
      Because our leaders parrot the economic beliefs promoted by the media, lack of evidence has contributed heavily to the government actions that yield repeated recessions. Until the media learn to ask, “What is your evidence?” we will continue to suffer periodic, economic traumas. These traumas may seem inevitable and unavoidable, but in reality they are caused by beliefs lacking evidence.
      If you don’t believe President Obama is gay, unless you see solid evidence, don’t believe the federal deficit is too high, unless you see solid evidence.

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
For more information, see http://www.rodgermitchell.com

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