Are your children important enough to you?

Are your children important enough to you?

You sobbing mothers who have guns in your homes
Shriek to heaven and cry me your bitter tears.
You killed your own children.
You knew it would happen.
And will happen, again.

You angry fathers who have guns in your homes
Rage your rage and tell the microphone, “Something must be done.”
You killed your own children.
You knew it would happen.
And will happen, again.

You politicians, bribed to mouth disingenuous thoughts and prayers,
and to preen and smirk, leading ironic marches in the streets.
Spew your fabricated outrage.
You killed our children.
You knew it would happen.
And will happen, again.

You Justices, twisting plain English
to deny the obvious
You killed our children.
You knew it would happen.
And will happen, again.

So fly the tattered flag at half-staff to display your false compassion
And leave the flag down for the next time.
And sob your tears,
and mouth your anger,
and offer your thoughts and prayers,
and march in the streets,
and vote for your rights.
So it all can happen again
As you know damn well it will.

Yes, you know what must be done.
But is it important enough to you?

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Monetary Sovereignty
Twitter: @rodgermitchell; Search #monetarysovereignty
Facebook: Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

Image result for white house flag at half mast

3 thoughts on “Are your children important enough to you?

  1. Thank you. Well said. I’m forwarding to our church’s group against gun violence. We are having a candle light demonstration at a major highway intersection.


    1. Ask all who assemble, “How many of you own guns?” “Would you be willing to give up your guns?” Their Constitutional right to gun ownership is what makes America the world’s gun-murder capital of the world.


      And now comes the NRA with their solution:


  2. Beautifully written so much to consider? Common sense gun legislation .

    On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 8:27 AM #Monetary Sovereignty – Mitchell wrote:

    > Rodger Malcolm Mitchell posted: “Are your children important enough to > you? You sobbing mothers who have guns in your homes Shriek to heaven and > cry me your bitter tears. You killed your own children. You knew it would > happen. And will happen, again. You angry fathers who have guns in yo” >


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