An example of raw bigotry and an important question.

Twitter: @rodgermitchell; Search #monetarysovereignty
Facebook: Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

It takes only two things to keep people in chains: The ignorance of the oppressed and the treachery of their leaders.

Today I received a disgusting and ignorant Email, excerpts from which are shown, below:

Breitbart Latest News

Dear Fellow Conservative,

By now you’ve heard about the young black thugs who viciously attacked and brutalized my teenaged son because he expressed support for Donald Trump.

These dreadlock-wearing punks shrieked “F*** Donald Trump” in this gentle boy’s face over and over again as they cornered him, and cast repeated insults about white Americans.

For those of you who don’t know the current code words of bigotry, “thugs,” and “dreadlock-wearing punks” mean “black kids.” Today’s bigots, like those of the Ku Klux Klan lynching days, want you to hate blacks.

They also want you to believe that whites are oppressed by blacks, an irony readily accepted by some whites.

Barack Obama caused many blacks, Muslims, illegal aliens, and politically correct “social justice warriors” to feel they have the right to attack Trump supporters, cops, businesses, kids — anything and anybody — without going to jail or getting deported.

I’m sick of it, and I’ve decided to do something about it.

My wife and I have launched the National Campaign to lay the groundwork for SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE to run for the United States Senate in Wisconsin to replace Left-wing extremist Tammy Baldwin! 
If you’re with me, please sign the Official Sheriff Clarke for Senate Pledge. The Sheriff needs to know you’re a supporter — and we need to know you’re with us.

Milwaukee’s conservative black Sheriff CORRECTLY says “BLACK LIVES MATTER” is a terrorist movement, a hate group, and calls it “Black LIES Matter.” He called Al Sharpton a “charlatan,” and said he “should shut up and go back into the gutter.”

Sheriff Clarke says the pro-Amnesty politicians are literally “aiding and abetting criminality by offering sanctuary” to rapists, child molesters, murderers, and other criminal illegal aliens.

Other code words are “amnesty” and “sanctuary,” which generally are applied to undocumented immigrants.  In this case, the bigots lump these people together with blacks, to comprise a group called “rapists, child molesters, murderers, and other criminal aliens.”

Not by coincidence, those also are the words of the man who now is President of the United States.

In America, no politicians offer help to such criminals, but facts are not part of the bigotry belief system. 

He told Ryan and McConnell: “Get it done, dammit. We’ve waited long enough. Note to Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell: Go big, go bold, go fast. The disconnect in DC with GOP and voters: McConnell thinks the goal is to move cautiously. WE VOTED FOR THEM TO GO BIG & BOLD.”

You know what Sheriff Clarke told the crowd at President Trump’s inaugural “Deplora-Ball”? He’s tired of the RINOs saying we have to compromise with the Democrats: “The only reason I’ll be reaching across the aisle is to grab one of them by the throat!”

Does your senator talk like that?

Does any rational human being talk like that?

Does he urge black voters to “leave the Democrat plantation”? Does he say, “I’m tired of this race card thing”? Does he call Planned Parenthood “Planned Genocide”?

Does your Senator post this on Facebook? “Islam: Don’t Try to Understand ‘Sick Ideology’ of Islamism; Destroy It.”

NO! Your Senator does NOT speak like that, because nobody in Washington does. Let’s get one who does — Sheriff David Clarke.

Do his racial comments sound like he’s “tired of this race card thing”?

As for “genocide,” it’s a word that has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood, or even with abortion, but a great deal to do with hatred of blacks.

This man deserves a bigger stage, and he wants to run: he just has to know that he has enough national support to combat the liberal money his opponent gets from Hollywood, the “Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund,” “Lesbian PAC,” and elsewhere.Tammy Baldwin is their Holy Grail: a hard left socialist, in-your-face lesbian, and screaming feminist. SHE MUST GO!

Now, the hatred extends from blacks and Muslims to gays, lesbians, socialists, and feminists. Is there anyone but white, males who are worthy of respect?

Sheriff Clarke lists his heroes as Justice Scalia, Clarence Thomas, President Reagan, and John Wayne.

The disgusting Email goes on and on, spewing hatred with almost every sentence.  I doubt whether Scalia, Thomas, Reagan and Wayne (Wayne?) would have agreed with any of this. But there is a point to be made here:

This vicious bigotry is found among conservatives, but not among liberals. Why is that?

What is there about the conservative movement that lends itself to such emotions? Surely, it’s just a minority — one hopes — but bigotry was an important part of Donald Trump’s appeal, and here is an Email coming from Breitbart, Trump’s favorite medium.

So these are the questions:

Is bigotry a necessary component of conservatism?
What is the relationship between the two?
Can conservativism rid itself of its bigotry
If so, will it still be conservatism?
Does it say something about America, for a politician to run on such a platform, and believe he can win?
In a Monetarily Sovereign nation of unlimited resources, what is the function of bigotry?

Those are questions, not just for conservatives but for all of us.  It leaves us with one last question:

What do we want America to be?

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Monetary Sovereignty
