Sorry for the hiatus. The Trump recession is coming

If you’ve wondered why I’ve not posted recently, my excuse is that I’ve had a knee replacement, which has sapped some of my energy. A (pardon me) lame excuse. Nevertheless, the world moves on, and this world is moving in a bad direction I cannot ignore. America has a President who encourages dictators (Putin, Kim, … Continue reading Sorry for the hiatus. The Trump recession is coming

Sorry for the hiatus. The Trump recession is coming

If you’ve wondered why I’ve not posted recently, my excuse is that I’ve had a knee replacement, which has sapped some of my energy. A (pardon me) lame excuse. Nevertheless, the world moves on, and this world is moving in a bad direction I cannot ignore. America has a President who encourages dictators (Putin, Kim, … Continue reading Sorry for the hiatus. The Trump recession is coming

Recession: Not If, But When

FedEx CEO says he expects the economy to enter a ‘worldwide recession’ PUBLISHED THU, SEP 15 20226:38 PM EDTUPDATED THU, SEP 15 20228:25 PM EDT Krystal Hur FedEx CEO Raj Subramaniam told CNBC’s Jim Cramer on Thursday that he believes a recession is impending for the global economy. The CEO’s pessimism came after FedEx missed … Continue reading Recession: Not If, But When

There is a much bigger lie than “Trump won the election.”

The lie that the election was stolen from Donald Trump is pretty big. Still, it’s a lie that was started by “30,000+ Lies Trump,” promulgated by Fox News, QAnon, and other lying sites, and is believed only by the increasingly ignorant and twisted MAGA crowd. By contrast, there is a really, really BIG LIE that … Continue reading There is a much bigger lie than “Trump won the election.”