–How did the 1% convince the 99% to lose the war?

Mitchell’s laws: The more budgets are cut and taxes inceased, the weaker an economy becomes. To survive long term, a monetarily non-sovereign government must have a positive balance of payments. Austerity = poverty and leads to civil disorder. Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereignty and monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics.

That a real war has existed between the 1% and the 99% cannot be doubted. And that the 99% has lost, also cannot be doubted.

So the question becomes, with 99% of the votes in this democracy, how did the 99% manage to lose — and badly? Answer: The same way any small force wins against a large force: By convincing the large force to work against itself.

First came money. The media are owned by the 1%, and while in the past, the media had leaned toward the liberal, i.e. toward the 99%, that was back in the days when the media were ruled by morality.

No more. With the advent of the Internet, the media found themselves in financial difficulty, so they felt they were obliged to forsake morality, and today, the media are ruled by money.

But money alone does not win elections; ultimately issues, supported by money, win. So, conveniently, along came Al Queda and Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, the 1%’s gift from heaven. And just in time, too, for Russia, as bogey man, was beginning to wear thin, with the end of the Soviet Union.

Yes, with money, the 1% could convince the 99% that America was in imminent danger from little Iraq’s non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction. And when a nation is in danger, the people turn to the politician perceived to be toughest, no matter how clearly inept that politician may be.

Enter tough guy, cowboy, George W. Bush, of the Republican Party, which also was the party considered to be tougher.

He had been in office less than a year, when fate sent him another miracle: The al Qaeda 9/11 attack. This allowed President Bush to convince the 99% to surrender many of their Constitutional rights — for “security” — and a huge battle in the war was lost by the 99%.

Later, GWB appointed John G. Roberts, Jr to serve as Chief Justice, and Samuel Alito. Roberts was only 50 and Alito only 56, so both men had long, long careers ahead of them. The Chief Justice would be a representative of the 1% for perhaps 40 years! The next battle was lost.

But then the next biggest battle began, and it began with the 2008 recession. Security remained as a phony issue, but it was replaced as the prime issue, by economics.

The banks, owned by the 1%, caused the recession, but the blame had to be pointed elsewhere, and this “elsewhere” was the federal deficit. The money-backed media pounded on the notion that the U.S. government was just like you and me. It had to live within its “means.”

Never mind that the U.S. government, being Monetarily Sovereign, has no means, simply because it has the unlimited ability to create dollars. Forget facts. The media told the 99% three things:

1. Taxes needed to be cut, because taxes hurt economic growth (true.)
2. Federal spending needed to be cut, because spending increases the federal deficit (also true).
3. Just like personal debt, federal debt is a danger, and needed to be reduced (true about personal debt, false about federal debt).

What the bought-and-paid-for media refused to acknowledge is:

1. Income tax cuts benefit the 1% far more than the 99%, many of whom pay no income tax, but are hurt most by the unnecessary FICA tax.
2. Federal “deficits” are nothing more than an accounting term for the dollars the federal government adds to the economy, and a growing economy requires a growing money supply.
3. Federal finances are not like personal finances, the opposite in fact. The federal government never can run short of dollars.

So to accomplish the “need” to reduce deficits, Congress repeatedly voted to cut government benefits for the 99% — taxes on Social Security benefits, older starting dates for benefits, increased FICA payments, cuts in Medicaid support, reduced payments to doctors, who then began to opt out of SS, and hundreds of other cuts in social programs, all under the lie of “fiscal prudence.”

Another battle lost.

The brainwashed 99% began to believe the media propaganda, and voted for Tea/Republican candidates, who as a solid voting block, prevented money supply growth and the growth of social programs.

Meanwhile, the Republican-dominated Supreme Court, decided that 1%-owned corporations should be allowed to spend unlimited sums of money to influence elections. Recently, the head of the family that owns the Chicago Cubs, considered spending the astounding sum of $10 million dollars (!) just to support a smear campaign against President Obama. When his nefarious plan came to light, he immediately denied it, but do not believe for one second, that his plan won’t be replaced by one equally sinister. He is, after all, part of the 1%.

Another battle lost.

Today, in addition to members of the 99% voting against their own interests, we now have one of America’s wealthiest men running for President. He is a man whose words have no meaning, as what he says on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, bear no resemblance to what he says on the other days. He is without core values or beliefs, the perfect puppet for the 1%, as well as being part of the 1% himself.

With the 99% repeatedly voting against their own interests, the 1% controlling the media, the Supreme Court and one house of Congress (with Senate rules allowing the 1% to control the other house), the 1% finds itself firmly in control.

All that remains is for the 99% physically to battle itself. Having lost so much power, as the income gap grows amazingly, the 99% is frustrated. The people needed something, anything, to feel they have at least a modicum of control over their lives.

And here the National Rifle Association steps into the power vacuum. It’s message essentially is: “Sure, you’re poor slaves to the 1%, and probably will sicken and die for lack of health care, and go broke for lack of retirement, and meanwhile be unemployed, or if employed, wasting your precious life hours, doing something menial you hate with a boss you hate. But we can give you power. We can give you guns.

“Pay no attention to the first half of the 2nd Amendment, ‘A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state . . .’ It has no meaning. All that counts is you can own guns, all kinds of guns. You can shoot them at each other.”

And with that, the war was lost to the 99%. No longer would the 1% need to fear that gigantic majority. The people will battle and kill each other, while the 1% remain happily above the fray.

Killing each other not only helps them forget it’s the 1% that made them miserable, but the more who die, the fewer will remain to vote against the 1%.

It’s the perfect solution.

Yes, the war is lost. Incredibly, 1% of the population has defeated 99% of the population, not just with money, but by outwitting them, and convincing them to vote against themselves.

Today, if I try to explain the facts to a 99%er, so he/she can understand how the war was fought, and perhaps regain a bit of power, I likely will be greeted with anger and sarcasm. That’s how deep the brainwashing has gone.

Such is the irony of ignorance, and the brilliance of the 1%.


Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

No nation can tax itself into prosperity, nor grow without money growth. Monetary Sovereignty: Cutting federal deficits to grow the economy is like applying leeches to cure anemia. Two key equations in economics:
Federal Deficits – Net Imports = Net Private Savings
Gross Domestic Product = Federal Spending + Private Investment and Consumption + Net exports


6 thoughts on “–How did the 1% convince the 99% to lose the war?

  1. Excellent post, Roger. As always. Some responses:

    [1] All wars are ultimately fought for control of the mass mind. My army can forcibly make a society bow to my will, but this is only the first step toward victory. In order to maintain long-term control, I must brainwash the masses into believing that my tyranny is “God’s will,” and part of the “natural order” of things. I must make the herd think that my cruelty toward them, and their slavery beneath me, is as necessary to their survival as is food and air.

    Once I get the masses to believe this, they will always blame each other, and never unite against me. They will believe that if they overthrow me and break out of their dungeon, they will doom themselves. If a small percentage of them wake up, then the rest of the herd will destroy them. This process works the same at all levels, local, national, and international. Any nation that genuinely tries to breask free of the globvalist web of tyranny is attacked by most other nations.

    Fortunately for the 1%, the masses WANT to be brainwashed. They violently defend their fairy tales. To hypnotize and enslave them, I use childish emotions and endless repetition.

    [2] As an example of the average person’s stupidity, here is a typical exchange…

    JIM: In all wars, the victors write the history books, falsely portraying themselves as virtuous liberators.

    BILL: Yes, that is always the case. There are no exceptions, ever. But every society thinks it is the exception.

    JIM: Every society? Our society too?

    BILL: Yes. I said no exceptions.

    JIM: Okay, so what if I say that everything we’ve been told about the alleged evil of Nazi Germany is a lie?

    BILL: You’d be a liar. We are the exception.

    JIM: But you just said –

    BILL – this discussion is over.

    [3] All societies stratify, thereby creating a food chain, or a pecking order. The larger the society, the greater the wealth and power of the 1% at the top. And the greater the misery of people at the bottom. Everyone at every level naturally defends the social ladder and his place on it, lest he fall to a lower level. Hence the 1% maintain their place.

    [4] It has always been this way, in all human societies. I just watched a program about ritual human sacrifice around the world. It mentioned the Aztecs, who murdered countless victims atop pyramids so that blood cascaded down the steps. Contrary to popular opinion today, these endless slaughters had nothing to do with religion. They were done in order to sustain mass dread and terror, thereby sustaining the power and privilege of the Aztec 1%, who told the masses that the grisly genocide was the “will of the gods.” When the Spaniards conquered the Aztecs, they told the Aztecs that their deaths and their slavery (under the Spaniards) was the will of the Christian God. And the Aztec masses believe it, becoming Christians.

    As I said, this pattern has occurred in every human society throughout time, including our own. It is the reason why the 1% today are able to maintain control of our banking and currency, and thus our lives.


  2. great post!!

    oops–do i hear a phone ringing?? #OWS is calling–you gotta answer, rodg–answer your call(ing)!

    OWS needs you!! you gotta go!! you can be the “ron paul” of the OWS movement!! you can turn all those misguided youth who, he claims, support him away from that babbling fool!!


  3. Chicago Sun Times

    Benton Harbor’s finances are a mess. How could they not be in a town stripped of jobs and hope? So, the state has stripped its residents of their democracy. In what is accurately termed “fiscal martial law,” the state has named a czar to run the city. That appointee, Joseph Harris, has issued an order essentially stripping the elected city council of all powers. No money can be spent, no taxes raised or lowered, no bonds issued, no regulations changed without his approval. Benton Harbor’s residents now live in a dictatorship imposed by a Republican governor famous for his belief that the poor should be punished and the rich rewarded.

    This appointed dictator claims breathtaking powers. He can sell public assets, dismiss pension boards and take control of public pension funds and revoke labor contracts. What triggers this takeover? The law is remarkably vague. The governor may act if a payroll is missed, if there are complaints of late bill payment, if pensions are underfunded, if there is a significant budget deficit, a term that goes undefined.

    Astounding what the 99% will allow the 1% to do to them, isn’t it?


  4. I read that Chicago Sun Times article that you posted, Roger.

    You commented, “Astounding what the 99% will allow the 1% to do to them, isn’t it?”

    Yes. Of course, the 1% only have power because the 99% give it to them. The 1% are the parasite, and the 99% are the willing host. It has always been this way, even in communist societies where a ruling bureaucracy takes the place of a ruling plutocracy. It’s a flaw in the human species. Throughout history we humans have always formed social strata, or pyramids of privilege. All races and ethnicities do this. If anyone tries a genuine alternative, he is attacked. And there is always a limitless supply of TRAITORS. For example, Benton Harbor is mostly Black. The dictator Joseph Harris is also Black. If the people of Benton Harbor threw Harris out, then governor Rick Snyder would send in the state police to crush the people. We are a flawed species. It’s just something we have to live with.


    1. Mostly, you’re right. Yet, every once in a while, things do change. So we do have a civil rights act, and we do have Social Security, and we do have Medicare and Medicaid.

      Yes, we are a flawed species, but we don’t have to live with it. We can fight our flaws, and sometimes win. So don’t surrender.

      I’ve been teaching Monetary Sovereignty for 15 years, and only a tiny minority get it. But one day . . .


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