A very short question to you who still support Donald Trump

It takes only two things to keep people in chains: The ignorance of the oppressed and the treachery of their leaders.

When a person becomes a known and repeated liar, eventually nothing he/she says is credible, even on the rare occasions when he may tell the truth.

Any statement of the past or present is viewed as a work of fiction. Any promise will not be trusted.

So the question for the minority of you who still support Donald Trump is: WHY?

The man almost never stops lying. What he tells you rarely is accurate. What he promises for you will not happen. And what he does invariably hurts your country.

Image result for sign a contract with eyes closed
“I am sitting in the Oval Office with a pen in hand, waiting for our senators to give it to me.”

Here is a man who declared he would sign any — ANY — anti-Obamacare bill that came out of Congress, no matter how many people it deprived of health care, no matter the cost, no matter the fallout.

He wasn’t asking what beneficial features or what harmful features the bill had. He was just sitting there, as he said, “pen in hand,” willing to sign anything.

This is the President of the United States, the most powerful man in the world, wanting to sign any bill just so he could say he accomplished something.

Is this the man you trust to act responsibly as President? When you cast your vote, is this what you expected?

And as for lying, do you know of any President, any politician, any human being, who lies as continually as Donald J. Trump? He lies during his rallies. He lies in his tweets. He lies during interviews. He even lies to the Boy Scouts, for heaven’s sake. There is no time, when he is talking or writing, that he is not lying.

Want evidence? Here are three websites you should visit:

A Chilling Theory on Trump’s Nonstop Lies

All statements from Donald Trump

Trump’s Lies

So again, the question for the minority of you who still support Donald Trump is: WHY?

What is it that Trump has done for you, is doing for you, or will do for you that makes you support him? And how do you really know what he has done, is doing or will do?

You might say it doesn’t matter whether or not you support him, because he is President and your support or non-support means nothing.  But that wouldn’t be true. Your support or non-support is vital.

The key now is Congress. If you contact your Senators and Congressperson, and if you write to your local media, indicating your dissatisfaction with a lying, ignorant, immoral, “do-nothing-but-play-golf-on-his-properties” President, the Republicans in Congress will turn away from him.

Then, the two parties can begin to work together, as they normally have done in the past, to benefit America, and not just to win.

Congress is not a zero-sum game, where if one party wins that means the other party loses. America has many problems that sincere politicians (yes, they exist) can solve if only the pressure to follow the party line were eased.

Trump is a menace to America. His hate-based ideology is alien to our America spirit. His lies are corrosive. He is a terrible role model and an awful symbol for our nation. No one trusts him — not any other nation, not the majority of Americans, not the people he hires and then fires if they don’t put him ahead of the country.

He claims to be a great negotiator, but who would negotiate with a man whose statements are known to be lies and whose promises are known to be false?  Why would anyone?

If you make it clear to Congress that you do not support his lies, his ignorance,  and his cruelty, Congress will take him out of the equation, and do its work to benefit you, not to benefit him.

It can be done. It has been done. It must be done.

It’s up to you.

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Monetary Sovereignty



•All we have are partial solutions; the best we can do is try.

•Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereignty and monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics.

•Any monetarily NON-sovereign government — be it city, county, state or nation — that runs an ongoing trade deficit, eventually will run out of money no matter how much it taxes its citizens.

•The more federal budgets are cut and taxes increased, the weaker an economy becomes..

•No nation can tax itself into prosperity, nor grow without money growth.

•Cutting federal deficits to grow the economy is like applying leeches to cure anemia.

•A growing economy requires a growing supply of money (GDP = Federal Spending + Non-federal Spending + Net Exports)

•Deficit spending grows the supply of money

•The limit to federal deficit spending is an inflation that cannot be cured with interest rate control. The limit to non-federal deficit spending is the ability to borrow.

•Until the 99% understand the need for federal deficits, the upper 1% will rule.

•Progressives think the purpose of government is to protect the poor and powerless from the rich and powerful. Conservatives think the purpose of government is to protect the rich and powerful from the poor and powerless.

•The single most important problem in economics is the Gap between the rich and the rest.

•Austerity is the government’s method for widening the Gap between the rich and the rest.

•Everything in economics devolves to motive, and the motive is the Gap between the rich and the rest..


8 thoughts on “A very short question to you who still support Donald Trump

  1. “And as for lying, do you know of any President, any politician, any human being, who lies as continually as Donald J. Trump?” Really? You are really asking this question? Okay, how about Obama when he said that we cannot continue to borrow money from China? That if we don’t do something about the national debt and the interest it is generating our children will be saddled with it? Or every time a politician says we have to balance the budget? Or that we cannot afford to provide free healthcare, education and a job guarantee? Or in your case, UBI? They are all lying sacks of shit. Some just lie more than others. The trick is to educate enough of us so we can bring about positive change. Thank you for all you do in that regard.


    1. You are correct. All politicians lie. In fact, all people lie.

      The question was: Do you know of any President, any politician, any human being, who lies as continually as Donald J. Trump?

      If you lie on occasion, about something innocuous, it makes little difference. That’s just being human.

      But when the President of the United States lies repeatedly about everything, it makes a big difference.

      Don’t excuse Trump’s lying with the “they all lie” rationalization. Don’t let his ongoing dishonesty numb you to all lying in general, so that everything becomes acceptable.

      Read the links in the post to get some feel for the incredible extent of his lying.


      A look back at Trump’s anti-vacation tweets as he readies for 17-day vacation


  2. I think most people sympathize, but there aren’t many in DC that aren’t liars, trump is just one more.

    My answer to you is, what about Hitlery? Is she not a liar? Yet are in love with her.

    And there lies our issue. Hillary and trump are likely biddies while you have the public fighting over who is republican and who’s democrat.

    You yourself spew nonsense about the government being able to print all it wants, but offer zero proof on the mechanics. Yet your followers are suppose to believe everything you say like gospel. And liberals usually do follow as they can’t think for themselves.

    Trump won’t help us and neither will Hillary. Not because trump wants to kill Obamacare (if he did that would be good for us) but because no one cares.

    I bet that you yourself question the validity of your theories once in a while, yet you spew the lies day after day.

    On one side the government can control inflation by removing dollars from circulation (your words) on the other, all the printing doesn’t have any impact.

    And you have the balls to call trump a liar?


  3. Mish Shedlock [Mish Talk blogger] reckons MMT is bunk and he says this Erik Zimmerman blog supports his opinion
    I would like your opinion, but for me Zimmerman is just quibbling over details and he fundamentally agrees with MMT.

    BTW, I think you are wasting your time laying into Trump. What good will it do?We all already understand why you unload onto him and agree. There’s just a distant chance he might be onto something useful and is playing the GOP against itself.


    1. Re. blogger, there are too many errors in his commentary, to spend effort addressing them all.

      He thinks:

      1. Deficit spending causes hyperinflation.

      Wrong. Hyperinflation is caused by shortages of goods and services. Never by deficit spending. The federal government, being Monetarily Sovereign has absolute control over the supply, the value and the exchange rate of its sovereign currency.”

      The fear mongers have called the deficit a “ticking time bomb” since 1940. Total BS.

      2. He thinks U.S. finances are like Greek and 3rd world finances, displaying his abject ignorance of MMT and Monetary Sovereignty

      3. He thinks Federal “borrowing” (deposits in T-security accounts) fund federal spending.

      He said, “Treasury must find willing buyers of its securities to finance its spending.”

      Two bad errors in one short sentence. The FRB always is a willing buyer and anyway the securities don’t finance spending.

      4. He said, “Social Security is a liability denominated in dollars, it is inflation adjusted and so cannot simply be met the magic wand of the government.” (This makes no sense at all. The federal government can meet any obligation denominated in dollars, simply by sending instructions to banks.)

      5. I’ll conclude with his dopiest comment of all: “You can print money, but not real wealth.” What is real wealth? Is a copyright real wealth? A song? A view from a tall building?

      His whole commentary is so rife with ignorance and errors, commenting on it would be like trying argue with a creationist. Too much, too much.
      As for Trump, I will continue commenting. We must never allow his lies to become our society’s normal. We must continue to be outraged at his lying criminality and incompetence.

      Now, this dictator wannabe has his toady, Jeff Sessions, trying to do away with the 1st Amendment. If you lose your anger, you will lose your freedoms. Do you understand how damaging and dangerous Trump is?

      Scream at the top of your voice. Don’t just sit back and be raped.



  4. There are people who are still fighting the Civil War. Only a tiny fraction of the human race is capable of admitting failure or defeat after placing their faith in a scoundrel. Objectivity is a very rare quality.


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