–How the world will die

Twitter: @rodgermitchell; Search #monetarysovereignty
Facebook: Rodger Malcolm Mitchell

Mitchell’s laws:
●The more federal budgets are cut and taxes increased, the weaker an economy becomes.
●Austerity is the government’s method for widening the gap between rich and poor,
which ultimately leads to civil disorder.
●Until the 99% understand the need for federal deficits, the upper 1% will rule.
To survive long term, a monetarily non-sovereign government must have a positive balance of payments.
●Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereignty and monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics.
●The penalty for ignorance is slavery.
●Everything in economics devolves to motive,
and the motive is the gap.

I am a Jew.

Do you hate me?

I am a Muslim. Do you hate me?

I am gay, black, brown, an immigrant, a pregnant teenager, yellow, red and a Catholic priest. Do you hate me?

Obama immigration delay means 60,000 to be deported by November Do you hate them? Do you even care?

Or have you seen this the face of hatred?

In the Irish city of Limerick, in 1904, the priest John Creagh promoted a boycott of the Jews.

“It is madness”, the Christian leader declared, “for a people to allow an evil to grow in their midst that will cause them ruin”. Orders were given to the Jews’ customers not to buy their goods and to repay their loans. If the Jews walked in the streets they were beaten, confronting crowds shouting “Death to the Jews!” and “Hunt them out”.

A century later, a committee in Ireland’s Oireachtas, the country’s legislature, called for a national ban on imported products from “Israeli settlements considered internationally as illegal”.

The Irish government will also try to take the lead in the European Union in establishing such a ban and will champion an EU-wide ban during Ireland’s EU presidency next year.

Or is this the face of hatred?

[A] Jew [is] of that most contemptible of religions, the most vile of faiths…They, both the ancient and modern [Jews], are altogether the worst liars…They are the filthiest and vilest of peoples, their unbelief horrid, their ignorance abominable.

The vilest infidel ape [i.e., Jews; per Koran 5:60, 2:65, 7:166]…Do not consider that killing them [Jews] is treachery.

Or this?

Iraq: ISIS terrorists kidnap dozens in north Iraq

Amnesty has accused ISIS of “systematic ethnic cleansing,” including mass killings, of ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq.

We have become so acceptance of hatred, we even have made hatred into a game:

Ethnic Cleansing (video game)

In the game, the protagonist (the player can choose either a neo-Nazi or a Klansman) runs through a ghetto killing African-Americans and Latinos, before descending into a subway system to kill Jews. Finally he reaches the “Yiddish Control Center”, where a fictionalized version of Ariel Sharon, then Prime Minister of Israel, is directing plans for world domination. The player must kill him to win the game.

Here we have seen the institutionalized, laughable, even enjoyable hatred. Have you played the game?

One cannot reason with hatred. There are no facts to dissuade hatred. Hatred always invents excuses for its existence. Hatred never builds. Hatred always destroys.

Islam is divided by hatred as is Christianity. Every nation that has encouraged or even allowed hatred, has experienced its corrosive effect. The Inquisition helped destroy Spain. The Holocaust, fostered by all of Europe, helped destroy Europe.

As hatred once again fills Europe, the destruction grows. No people filled with hatred ever can confine that hatred. It is a wild, untamable virus. It always spreads its poison tentacles, engulfing more and more of those who encouraged it and even those who stood by silently.

Hatred knows no boundaries. You cannot hide. Hatred will seek you out.

Now today, we see it in America, a metastasizing tumor, providing haters with excuses for murder by police and by civilians, excuses fo the deportation of unfortunate innocents, excuses to deny the poor health care and even water, excuses to close our eyes to bigotry and injustice.

The Detroit water shutoffs, the Ferguson police shooting, Texas Sheriff Joe Arpaio — all give lie to any claims that hate crimes “really have not increased all that much.” For none of these technically are classed as “hate crimes.”

They are the hidden rot, that slowly undermines, until even the mightiest tree falls. You are not safe from hatred. It turns neighbor against neighbor — against you. You cannot escape hatred. You cannot stand by.

If you do not defeat hatred it will defeat you. There are no neutrals in this war.

The widening Gap between the rich/powerful and the rest is caused by more than mere ignorance of economics and Monetary Sovereignty, more even than by the greed of the rich and the politicians and media the rich buy. The Gap is encouraged and fostered by hatred — hatred of those who need help, by those who could provide it.

The rich teach us to despise the poor as deserving of poverty, and despise minorities as deserving of anguish.

And so we have the Tea Party preaching an end to Social benefits for impoverished “takers,” and the right wing who demand that the government teach Christ to non-Christians, and the xenophobes demanding that child immigrants be sent back to misery and murder, and the pious who demand the death of the mother to produce the unborn, and the law enforcers who kill the innocent to protect you.

The list goes on and the Gap grows, urged by hatred.

Thus does our beautiful world die, not with a bang nor even a whimper, but with the slow internal rot of hatred.

Have you contributed, lately? Have you turned away?

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Monetary Sovereignty

Ten Steps to Prosperity:
1. Eliminate FICA (Click here)
2. Federally funded Medicare — parts A, B & D plus long term nursing care — for everyone (Click here)
3. Provide an Economic Bonus to every man, woman and child in America, and/or every state a per capita Economic Bonus. (Click here) Or institute a reverse income tax.
4. Free education (including post-grad) for everyone. Click here
5. Salary for attending school (Click here)
6. Eliminate corporate taxes (Click here)
7. Increase the standard income tax deduction annually
8. Tax the very rich (.1%) more, with higher, progressive tax rates on all forms of income. (Click here)

9. Federal ownership of all banks (Click here)

10. Increase federal spending on the myriad initiatives that benefit America’s 99% (Click here)


10 Steps to Economic Misery: (Click here:)
1. Maintain or increase the FICA tax..
2. Spread the myth Social Security, Medicare and the U.S. government are insolvent.
3. Cut federal employment in the military, post office, other federal agencies.
4. Broaden the income tax base so more lower income people will pay.
5. Cut financial assistance to the states.
6. Spread the myth federal taxes pay for federal spending.
7. Allow banks to trade for their own accounts; save them when their investments go sour.
8. Never prosecute any banker for criminal activity.
9. Nominate arch conservatives to the Supreme Court.
10. Reduce the federal deficit and debt

No nation can tax itself into prosperity, nor grow without money growth. Monetary Sovereignty: Cutting federal deficits to grow the economy is like applying leeches to cure anemia.
Two key equations in economics:
1. Federal Deficits – Net Imports = Net Private Savings
2. Gross Domestic Product = Federal Spending + Private Investment and Consumption – Net Imports

Monetary Sovereignty

Monetary Sovereignty

Vertical gray bars mark recessions.

As the federal deficit growth lines drop, we approach recession, which will be cured only when the growth lines rise. Increasing federal deficit growth (aka “stimulus”) is necessary for long-term economic growth.


18 thoughts on “–How the world will die

  1. Hi Rodger. I live in Texas. It’s a pretty messed up place, but we can’t claim Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He belongs to Arizona.



    1. LMAO…

      Texas is messed up???????? Have you seen the finances of California? Or Rodger’s home state of Illinois?

      “Messed up” is a subjective term – but I mean – come on… Businesses are ditching the socialist states and moving to states like Texas, where they are actually free to thrive.

      One thing is common among you commies, you all preach fairness and care of the poor, but you have to be the most hypocrites and full of evil envy. Everyone that has more than them is “evil” and to show how godly they are, the pack up and send the government to make sure their wealth is redistributed in the name of fairness.



      1. Understood. Anyone favoring social programs is a socialist or a commie. Does that make anyone opposed to social programs a fascist? Just askin’.

        Anyway, so people won’t think you’re a socialist or a commie, be sure to reject Social Security and Medicare benefits when you grow up.

        And did you receive free K-12 schooling from the government? You did? Oh, you socialist!


        1. Free market capitalist??

          Fascists are more in line with socialists and communists.. Where is there more intent to manipulate the markets – Venezuela or the US?

          No need to reject those social programs in a single swoop, you wind them down. Stop charging folks for them and cut a % benefit when they retire. So folks that paid for x years get x%, etc… until nobody pays and nobody gets any benefit when they retire. This is a good thing, people should be allowed to use their money as they wish.

          k-12 and “free” do not go together. First, I already have been paying taxes for some time and will continue to do so. Second, the money printing that you call “a great thing” causes my purchasing power to decrease over time – and guess who benefits from that money printing (teachers maybe?). Third, teachers do not work for free, Fourth, the schools did not build themselves, Fifth, the materials used in the classroom also have to be produced.

          I went through public schooling and will pay for it my entire life by living from paycheck to paycheck while folks like teachers, doctors get to retire at 45.

          You fail to see that nothing is free and that by instituting these policies for “the good of mankind”, you are just shifting resources from one bucket to another. It’s a great thing if you are on the receiving end – but in the grand scheme of things (which I think is your intent), you are punishing good behavior (production) while rewarding bad ones (mooching).

          My point is that by rewarding production – you are giving incentive for activity which would benefit everyone, not just a few selected people, and avoid rewarding unproductive behavior. You can say what you want, but at the end of the day – everyone is looking for output. When folks complain about how bad the situation is – they are referring to how little they get in return for their labor – period.

          I’m amazed that well studied folks like yourself and many others out there cannot see this after years of schooling.


  2. Dont follow Mitchells theories?

    You are a liar, a bigot, a terrorist, evil, etc….

    Even France, Cuba, Venezuala are not socialist enough for this man. When they tturn into cesspools, they he’s quick to call it something else.

    I think Mitchell knows better, when will you stop liying?


    1. @theendisnear

      You don’t seem to be capable of discerning the difference between socialism and what Rodger advocates. You might want to try harder.



  3. @theendisnear

    For some who cling to the obsolete model of scarcity it’s difficult to make the transition to abundance reality. You may have a case of cognitive dissonance. That is, you refuse to understand anything in conflict with the way you feel.

    MS is reality being postponed. We could have prosperity through Roger’s 10 step proposal, the only caveat being that of inflation which we also know we can control with interest rates or tax increases or by simply halting or cutting back the 10 steps in part or in whole until the CPI becomes favorable.

    The CPI is a thermometer–and a Warning! As long as the thermometer shows normal temperature, the very gradual process of human emancipation from poverty continues. This simple feedback system would work, but only if the 1% are willing to get out of the way and relinquish control of their political puppets and allow democracy to decide our path.

    However, the 1% are schooled by very old fashioned divide and conquer stratagems, such as “specialization” through control of educational institutions and their channeling of students to know only “small pictures” and leaving the big picture to the politicians who are in bed with the 1%.

    The 1% and politicians are basically dullards who know only the status quo and the protection of their wealth by only money making and by continuation of traditional selfish thinking. However the 1% and politicians are running up against popular internet awareness of multiplying world problems combined with their utter inability to solve them.

    It seems to me an MS/plenitude based economic system with a CPI positive feedback system will allow for democracy finally gaining control, while also breaking the 1%’s HEAD-lock of politics, media, finance and educational institutions…… without the 1% suffering the loss of a single penny.

    All the institutions are in place, the stage is set, nothing new need be invented. If the 1% refuse accommodation of everyone’s success then it will be up to increasingly unmanageable, existentially threatening world conditions to force their hand to make sense with money instead of making money with money.


    1. Tetra,

      I see the opposite of what you see, and sadly, most people see it like you.

      Here is what you and 99% of the people see:

      – It’s us (the 99%) versus them, the 1%.
      – The 1% gets all the money and we (the 99%) get nothing.
      – The rich are evil.
      – The rich (1%) do not want to share what we (the 99%) worked so hard to produce.
      – We need the government to force the rich to share the what we (the 99%) produced.
      – The cause of all our issues is lack of money, so we need the government to give us more of it.

      Now, here is common sense and reality.

      – The rich would not be so rich without everyone else helping them amass the wealth. So it’s not the rich versus the everyone else. It’s the rich and everyone else.
      – The 1% get wealth as measured in currency as well as property. Everyone is free to go and purchase the same things the rich can purchase. The issue is not that the rich are too greedy – even if they were, increasing output for the sake of getting wealthy would benefit society as a whole.
      – Not only the rich, nobody wants to share what they worked to produce. Nobody wants to work for free. The notion that the rich need to share is misplaced and is pretty deceptive. Find me one person that wants to share their earnings – and send them my way.
      – There is nothing for the government to get. What you see in the stores is what you get – that is what you produced. And the reason the prices are where they are is because of the amount of those goods versus demand. Produce more of them and the price will go down. Introduce legislation (like trade barriers or taxes on imports) and you will suffer the consequences of less supply and higher prices.
      – I can give any of you a trillion Zimbabwean dollars and you will still be as poor as you were before I gave them to you. Money is just a utility for trading labor for goods and services.

      The issues you have have been caused by the same policies that were supposed to help you. Policies like those forcing the redistribution of wealth – which stifles growth – because after all – who wants to produce something at a loss? In a nutshell, stop complaining about the rich and start acting like responsible individuals. I won’t hold my breath, people that get used to government cheese normally wake up when the same government starts abusing them. Keep waiting….


  4. *Everyone is free to go (and TRY to) purchase the same things the rich can purchase. (I would be denied a loan for a mansion in Kenilworth or Shaker Heights. It’s the other way around: the rich are free to purchase what everyone else wants.)

    *Nobody wants to work for free. (except the volunteers who keep hospitals and other institutions from going under.)

    *Find me one person that wants to share their earnings – and send them my way. (be prepared to greet a few million people at Christmas time)

    *Produce more of them and the price will go down. (right! see the 10 steps to economic stimulus/prosperity)

    *The cause of all our issues is lack of money (Nah, just lack of a good, well thought out economic “system” that will fit into 21st century reality. You’re still in the Dark Ages of Econ 101.)

    I don’t think you read any of what I wrote. I don’t see any of what you said I see. It’s about the 100% and how to bring the bottom up without interfering with the top.

    By the way, I think everyone wakes up when their government starts abusing them, not just government cheese eaters.


    1. I hope you realize you are not being reasonable.

      – How can anyone be asking for “fairness” and end up asking to be treated as a king, while others are left to live in the ghetto? Are you being fair?

      – I’ve volunteered my whole life, i am not subjected to work on their terms – i do it on my terms and because it takes minimal time. Not the same as working to survive.

      – Millions? Than why are people complaining about minimum wage, they should just work for free. Christmas.. They should work free everyday, 12 hours a day, 5 days a week… Now we are talking. Again, nobody works for free…

      I agree on your approach, 100%. However, i dont Rodgers steps will do it. There are some awesome things in there like no taxes.

      Instead of income taxes, i’d remove corporate taxes.

      The sovereignty item is misplaced, a sovereign nation cannot print indefinately, Venezuela is proof. The US can do much more printing than venezuela because our user base is global as opposed to local, but we would eventually run into the same issues. Nobody wants to work to lose money, if and when they continuously do, they will ditch the currency. Continental dollars did exist…


  5. I hope you realize you are not being reasonable. (I’ll try again)

    – How can anyone be asking for “fairness” and end up asking to be treated as a king, while others are left to live in the ghetto? Are you being fair?

    (WHO exactly is asking for fairness? MS is not about total equality, but “equal advantage” to allow one to pursue one’s dreams. MS has the potential IF APPLIED to eradicate poverty. It now isn’t being applied let alone understood.)

    – I’ve volunteered my whole life, i am not subjected to work on their terms – i do it on my terms and because it takes minimal time. Not the same as working to survive.

    (?????!! Congrats on being independently wealthy, but it was you who said Nobody wants to work for free and I say people do work for free when they volunteer. Care to rephrase your self? )

    – Millions? Than why are people complaining about minimum wage, they should just work for free. Christmas.. They should work free everyday, 12 hours a day, 5 days a week… Now we are talking. Again, nobody works for free…

    ( Everyone would work for free if there was no such thing as money and pricing. Refusal to work would mean societal collapse, no food would get to the table, so we have no choice in the matter with or without money.)

    I agree on your approach, 100%. However, i dont Rodgers steps will do it. There are some awesome things in there like no taxes.

    Instead of income taxes, i’d remove corporate taxes.

    (Why only corporate taxes? Obviously your a pro-business conservative. Why not all federal taxes on all people since the federal gov doesn’t need them, only destroys them. Think of the stimulus it would bring. If Roger’s steps won’t work, what do YOU think will?)

    The sovereignty item is misplaced, a sovereign nation cannot print indefinately, Venezuela is proof. The US can do much more printing than venezuela because our user base is global as opposed to local, but we would eventually run into the same issues. Nobody wants to work to lose money, if and when they continuously do, they will ditch the currency. Continental dollars did exist…

    (Venezuela, unlike the diverse USA, is a one horse oil town like Detroit was with cars. Also, sovereignty won’t work unless it’s understood and applied systematically which it is not now.)


    1. “(Why only corporate taxes? Obviously your a pro-business conservative. Why not all federal taxes on all people since the federal gov doesn’t need them, only destroys them. Think of the stimulus it would bring. If Roger’s steps won’t work, what do YOU think will?)”

      I don’t think people understand the word stimulus, but here is my opinion. You cannot stimulate the economy via the creation of debt – and or printing. I know you are going to fight the printing stuff, so I won’t even discuss. Here is a simple scenario – everyone works and pays for things as they can afford them. Do you think the economy would stop working? I bet not..

      Here is the other scenario – you increasingly borrow more to consumer “more”. In reality, you are being cheated – because the additional debt also chases the goods and services just like money does and puts upward pressure on prices. So your income stays the same, but your debt load increase – essentially the system is replacing your income with debt. On top of that, when you use debt – you are pulling forward demand. You think this is good? Well, if you buy a car today instead of 6 months down the line – you won’t be purchasing the car 6 months down the line.

      This notion that deflation is bad falls flat on its face. You wait to buy something? So what – you either buy it today or tomorrow – if you buy today – you wont buy tomorrow – if you buy it tomorrow you wont buy it today. Potato potato… same thing…

      There is good (100% reserve money), bad (increased debt load), and worst (demand pulled forward which would mean future demand would be weak since you already bought what you would have otherwise bought in the future). So, when you hear this stimulus nonsense tell them that – you either consume today or tomorrow – same thing.

      In terms of taxes – corporate taxes are also tax on the consumers – it’s just an extra layer. You pay for the taxes that companies pay – they just charge you via their price. Removing corporate taxes would be a stimulus because corporations would have additional net income to redeploy – that benefits everyone in the economy.

      I do not believe in MS – and quite honestly – our government does do a decent job. We have one of the best infrastructures in the modern world and the government does an excellent job in maintaining. Since I do not believe money comes out of thin air – I agree that people should pay taxes for the services they want. To me this is more transparent than telling me you won’t charge me for something (taxes) and then destroying my purchasing power even more. Don’t want taxes? then remove the entire government structure.

      We have implemented the things that work in the past – we have laws to protect property. Fraud is illegal – but it seems the government overlooks those who have money.

      Next – our financial system is a huge ponzy scheme – dismantle it and implement a 100% reserve system. Banks should not be creating money as they wish – they should lend their own money. No my money nor yours – unless we agree (saving accounts). Banks should not be allowed to lend over 90% of the funds in their coffers – this is fraud. This means killing the Federal Reserve.

      Next – prosecute those who commit fraud – like those bank execs in 2008.

      Next – remove all laws that play favoritism – like labor laws who favor unions (are they special?), medical industry, etc…

      Finally – remove corporate taxes as I mentioned and leave income taxes. Kill the deficit – and start paying down the national debt. People should be smart enough to understand that if they want social programs they need to pay for them themselves. You want medicare – get ready for higher taxes. Same for everything else.


  6. ” . . . everyone works and pays for things as they can afford them.”
    You just described a static economy, i.e an economy without borrowing for future growth.

    ” You cannot stimulate the economy via the creation of debt.”
    Every form of money is debt. If you don’t believe it, name one form of money that is not debt.
    But, are you saying you cannot stimulate the economy via the creation of money? Additional money is not stimulative??

    ” . . . additional debt . . . puts upward pressure on prices.”
    That is a popular myth based on the erroneous formula: Supply = Price.
    The actual formula is Demand/Supply = Price
    See: https://mythfighter.com/2010/04/06/more-thoughts-on-inflation/

    ” . . . you either buy it today or tomorrow. . . “
    In business and finance, time is important. When 300 million people defer buying until, not just tomorrow, but next month or next year, you have just defined “recession.”

    “. . . remove corporate taxes, and leave income taxes. Kill the deficit – and start paying down the national debt.
    Kill the deficit by doing what? Specifically, what spending will you cut? What taxes will you increase?
    By the way, the national debt could be paid down tomorrow, and it would not cost one cent to do it. Do you understand how?

    “I do not believe money comes out of thin air.”
    Then, where does money come from? If not thin air, what is money made of? What does it look like? How heavy is it?

    “Banks should not be creating money as they wish – they should lend their own money.”
    All lending creates money. When you lend, you “create money as you wish,” and you aren’t even a bank.

    You said: “You want medicare – get ready for higher taxes. Same for everything else.”
    FICA does not pay for Medicare. There are many proofs of this, but one is: When FICA was reduced recently, everyone was afraid benefits would be reduced. But the government merely paid the same benefits with money created out of thin air.

    See: https://mythfighter.com/2009/09/08/ten-reasons-to-eliminate-fica/

    Apparently, since you want taxes cut, and you believe taxes pay for spending, you also must want Medicare, Social Security, unemployment, food stamp, education aids, infrastructure, R&D and all other federal spending cut. True? Or are you going to fall back on that old “wasteful spending” mantra of those who are clueless about federal finance?

    Do you yet know the difference between Monetary Sovereignty and monetary non-sovereignty?.


    1. “All lending creates money. When you lend, you “create money as you wish,” and you aren’t even a bank.” RMM

      This cannot be serious… if you lend me 100 dollars – how does that constitute to creating money?

      You no longer have access to the $100 – while I do. Only I can spend the $100 and nobody else. So no.. not all lending creates money. Fractional reserve lending does create money.

      If you are looking to improve the situation – than you want transparency. Otherwise – you will get what you have today. A bunch of liars in government and all over the place. Nobody wants to say the truth. You want to pay for social programs – you either pay via taxes or you pay by a decrease in your purchasing power. Remember the saying – “you can’t handle the truth”? Well… the majority of us can’t.

      I don’t believe taxes pay for spending – I believe taxes plus currency printing pay for spending. And the currency printing is not “free”, it’s another tax – a tax that is evident in the destruction of the middle class. Connect the dots folks – it’s in front of you.

      Monetary sovereignty? The fact that the US can print it’s own currency is nothing new. There is no need to do any research and write a dissertation – the US has been minting its own currency for a long time. Finding a government that is willing to safeguard the value of it is another matter. Apparently you think that this innovation is a god given right to the government – when in truth – its the users that give it the value. Keep in mind that people run like herds and herds tend to exit pretty quickly.


  7. If I lend you $100, and you give me your note, your note is a Credit Market Instrument just as is a dollar bill, a CD. your personal check and your bank savings account book.

    Credit Market Instruments are the broadest measure of the money supply.

    See: https://mythfighter.com/2011/06/20/why-a-dollar-bill-is-not-a-dollar-and-other-economic-craziness/

    Please read: https://mythfighter.com/2011/06/20/why-a-dollar-bill-is-not-a-dollar-and-other-economic-craziness/


    1. I can’t recall anytime I lent someone money and they gave me a note – not one. And I bet 100% of the people out there don’t remember either.

      Banks do it all the time – that was my point above and it is a major reason why the middle class no longer exists.

      One example of an institution where lending does not create credit/debt. Again, not all lending creates debt.



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