–More examples of the rich stealing from you

Mitchell’s laws:
●The more federal budgets are cut and taxes increased, the weaker an economy becomes.
●Austerity is the government’s method for widening the gap between rich and poor,
which leads to civil disorder.
●Until the 99% understand the need for federal deficits, the upper 1% will rule.
●To survive long term, a monetarily non-sovereign government must have a positive balance of payments.
●Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereignty and monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics.
●The penalty for ignorance is slavery.
●Everything in economics devolves to motivation.

Readers of this blog know the upper 1% income group wants to increase the gap between them and the 99%, because it is the gap that gives them power. Without the gap, there would be no 1%, and the greater the gap, the greater their power over you.

So, to widen the gap, the 1% pays politicians (via campaign contributions and promises of lucrative jobs later) to lie about the need for austerity. Further, the 1% owns the media, to promulgate the politicians lies.

Here are further examples of political lying on behalf of the 1%, as reported in the media.

Top G.O.P. Donors Seek Greater Say in Senate Races
Published: February 2, 2013

COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa — The biggest donors in the Republican Party are financing a new group to recruit seasoned candidates and protect Senate incumbents from challenges by far-right conservatives and Tea Party enthusiasts who Republican leaders worry could complicate the party’s efforts to win control of the Senate.

The right wing has no objection to Tea Party lies and nutty statements. But, losing elections because voters recognized Tea Party lies and nuttiness — that’s what the right wing objects to.

According to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, corporations are people and money does not buy elections. Someone forgot to tell the politicians, who continue to sell their souls for dollars. And even this inferior Supreme Court cannot deny that money does buy nominations.

“There is a broad concern about having blown a significant number of races because the wrong candidates were selected,” said Steven J. Law, the president of American Crossroads, the “super PAC” creating the new project. “We don’t view ourselves as being in the incumbent protection business, but we want to pick the most conservative candidate who can win.”

Excuse me, but aren’t the voters supposed to pick their candidates via the primaries? Isn’t that what primaries are for? The voters have been brainwashed into surrendering their rights to the upper 1% income group.

The Conservative Victory Project, which is backed by Karl Rove and his allies who built American Crossroads into the largest Republican super PAC of the 2012 election cycle, will start by intensely vetting prospective contenders for Congressional races to try to weed out candidates who are seen as too flawed to win general elections.

The primaries are supposed to “weed out.” However, the richest 1% have taken that privilege from the voters, who don’t seem to care at all.

The group’s plans, which were outlined for the first time last week in an interview with Mr. Law, call for hard-edge campaign tactics, including television advertising, against candidates whom party leaders see as unelectable and a drag on the efforts to win the Senate.

The upper 1% income group, who lost using candidate selection, voter suppression and hard-edge campaign tactics last year, now plan to use exactly the same system next year. But stealing your voting rights in primaries and national elections is not sufficient for the 1%. They also want to steal the dollars from your pocket.

Obama Says U.S. Needs Revenue Along With Spending Cuts

Obama said the government can cut health-care costs, though he added that unspecified “loopholes” and deductions should also be tightened or closed.

If Obama had said the world is flat, he could not have told a bigger lie than his statement that the U.S. needs revenue. Being Monetarily Sovereign, the U.S. never can run short of dollars to pay its bills. NEVER.

Obama knows this. So why does he say it? Why does he stand in front of you and unashamedly lie, lie, lie? Because as a politician, he is bought and paid for by the upper 1% income group. Those people want spending cuts, because the vast majority of federal spending benefits the lower 99%.

The 1% wants to cut health care costs, because those costs will be borne by hospitals, nurses and other hospital employees — and by you. As for doctors, the best have begun to switch away from Medicare into more expensive “concierge” services, allowing the 1% to receive the finest care, and leaving the rest of us to scramble for medical coverage.

Wikipedia: “The concept of concierge medicine has been accused of promoting a two-tiered health system that favors the wealthy, limits the number of physicians to care for those who cannot afford it, and burdens the middle and lower class with a higher cost of insurance. Detractors contend that while this approach is more lucrative for some physicians and makes care more convenient for their patients, it makes care less accessible for other patients who cannot afford (or choose not) to pay the required membership fees.

Concierge medicine would not exist were in not for Medicare’s squeezing payments to doctors. This is called “austerity,” and the politicians have convinced you it is necessary to “save” Medicare.

And yes, President Obama gives lip service to “tightening deductions,” but that is just misdirection. First, in a Monetarily Sovereign nation, “tightening deductions” is wholly unnecessary. And second, the 1% has a long history of bribing Congress to build in special exceptions to the “tightening.”

The real goal of austerity is to cut the income of middle class people. Raising FICA was just one in a series of efforts to impoverish the middle- and lower-classes, the purpose being to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.

The wider the gap, the greater is the power the rich have over you. The irony is, you help them to do it. And, when someone reveals the truth, you deny it.

Wake up, America. The rich are stealing your lives and your children’s futures. And you have been aiding and abetting the crime against you.

Why do you do it? Just asking.

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Monetary Sovereignty


Nine Steps to Prosperity:
1. Eliminate FICA (Click here)
2. Medicare — parts A, B & D — for everyone
3. Send every American citizen an annual check for $5,000 or give every state $5,000 per capita (Click here)
4. Long-term nursing care for everyone
5. Free education (including post-grad) for everyone
6. Salary for attending school (Click here)
7. Eliminate corporate taxes
8. Increase the standard income tax deduction annually
9. Increase federal spending on the myriad initiatives that benefit America’s 99%

No nation can tax itself into prosperity, nor grow without money growth. Monetary Sovereignty: Cutting federal deficits to grow the economy is like applying leeches to cure anemia. Two key equations in economics:
Federal Deficits – Net Imports = Net Private Savings
Gross Domestic Product = Federal Spending + Private Investment and Consumption – Net Imports


6 thoughts on “–More examples of the rich stealing from you

  1. Question: “The rich are stealing your lives and your children’s futures. And you have been aiding and abetting the crime against you. Why do you do it?”

    Tetrahedron720 made a comment that may offer some answers. It concerned “scarcity thinking” versus “abundance thinking.” Both are attitudes (or outlooks, or mental tendencies). Let’s discuss this in general, and apply it to Rodger’s question in particular.

    “Scarcity thinking” is austerity thinking. It can infect anyone. Among the 1% it is pandemic, as proved by their desire to enslave the peasants, rather than invest in them. It is a mental habit based on fear, in which a person believes there is a limited supply of money, power, and everything else in the universe. Among the lower classes, this fear supports many assumptions that seem factual, but are quite arbitrary.


    We are here to suffer.
    There is only so much to go around.
    There will never be enough.
    For every winner there must be a loser (or millions of losers)
    For me to make money, others must lose money
    Pain gives us dignity, and makes life meaningful.

    Organized religion tends to promote scarcity attitudes — which is why pro-austerity people tend to be very self-righteous.

    Scarcity thinking reduces us into competitive animals, instead of cooperative team members. It makes us self-centered, and envious of others. (“Everyone but me is a parasite and a welfare queen.”) It makes us hoard things, and have a “me first” mentality. It makes us complain about everything. It makes us regard famine and poverty as normal, unavoidable, and “God’s will.” It reduces us to vampires, sucking energy from people around us.

    While scarcity thinking may serve one well when lost in the woods with limited rations, in most other cases it is a destructive force that can never be satisfied. It is a bottomless hole into which we throw stuff, only to want more. Always more. It is a cancer that causes mass misery. “We’d help them if we could, but there’s not enough to go around. We’re broke.”

    Scarcity thinking (a product of fear and habit) is the foundation of most conflicts between people and nations.

    The scarcity addict thrives on suffering. If no suffering exists, he creates it. Then, when suffering consumes resources, he says, “See? There’s only so much to go around.”

    (Actually it would cost society less to eliminate poverty than to service poverty. For example, it would only take a small fraction of what the world spends on weapons to ensure that all human beings had food, water, shelter, education, and medical care. Poverty is a matter of priorities, not a question of scarcity.)

    The scarcity addict has a “kill or be killed” attitude. He takes from others, in order to prevent others taking from him. He does not see the world in terms of flow or circulation, but in terms of “makers” (i.e. himself and rich people) and “takers” (everyone else).

    His fear and his addiction cause him to stop giving to the universe, which in turn blocks the universe from sending anything his way, which in turn “justifies” his addiction. Scarcity thinking always becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Here are some comparisons of mental attitudes:

    Scarcity thinking: There will never be enough.
    Abundance thinking: There is always more where that came from.

    Scarcity thinking: Stingy with knowledge, support, and compassion
    Abundance thinking: Thrives on sharing knowledge, support, and compassion

    Scarcity thinking: Suspects everyone
    Abundance thinking: Does not fear trusting everyone.

    Scarcity thinking: Hates competition, fearing he will “lose.”
    Abundance thinking: Welcomes competition, believing it makes him better and the pie bigger.

    Scarcity thinking: Regards talented employees as a threat.
    Abundance thinking: Regards talented employees as assets.

    Scarcity thinking: “How can I get by with less than is expected?”
    Abundance thinking: “How can I give more than is expected?”

    Scarcity thinking: Thinks the worst is yet to come
    Abundance thinking: Thinks the best is yet to come

    Scarcity thinking: Thinks small. Avoids risk.
    Abundance thinking: Thinks big. Embraces risk.

    Scarcity thinking: Spiteful and fearful.
    Abundance thinking: Grateful and confident.

    …and so on. Each of us has a mixture of scarcity thinking and abundance thinking in our personalities. Our tendency toward one side or the other depends on our personal habits and values. Some people tend to thrive on misery and suffering. Others tend to thrive on compassion and sharing.

    Fear creates scarcity thinking. Habit makes scarcity an addiction, which becomes a narcotic, which is the root of all bad attitudes, and most conflicts between people and nations.

    Scarcity thinking is a disease that will ruin any group if any member comes down with it. When you believe that, “there’s not enough to go around,” you lose confidence in everything, including yourself. You hate your life. You resent others’ success. You want others to feel as miserable as you do.


    Let’s apply some of this. Over the last two centuries, American society has alternated between abundance thinking (“Let’s go to the moon!”) and scarcity thinking (“We have a deficit crisis!”).

    Currently the U.S. public has become extreme scarcity addicts (i.e. austerity mania). For most people, the fact that the U.S. government creates money on computer keyboards is terrifying. It would undermine their scarcity addiction, plus their mechanisms to cope with their addiction. It would subvert their world view.

    The scarcity junkie uses smugness to mask his fear of abundance, and self-righteousness to mask his low self-esteem. He secretly regards himself as a “loser,” and therefore rejects any fact that does not support his coping strategies, which in turn support his addiction. If you suggest that he is suffering needlessly, and there is plenty for all, he regards your kindness as a personal attack. He hates himself, but he cannot face this, and therefore attacks Rodger. He is angered by the mere existence of Rodger’s blog. If you tell him there is an infinite supply of dollars, he feels all the more diminished. It is a habit. An addiction.

    Abundance is not a matter of hard work and determination. It simply requires a change in attitude. Whether the glass is half empty or half full is a matter of perspective, not hard work. When the USA went to the moon, did the people involved work any harder than average people work today? No they simply decided, “Let’s do this. We have everything we need.”

    Today, Americans still dream, but their dreams are nightmares of scarcity. And since austerity mania is a narcotic, the more painful the addiction becomes, the more the addicts indulge in their narcotic. Hence the austerity death spiral is not only financial; it is psychological.


    Given all this, perhaps we can wake people up to the facts of Monetary Sovereignty by working to counteract their scarcity addiction.

    First let us be aware of our own scarcity addiction. Mine surfaces when I refer to people as “idiots” and “morons” in my comments. This is a cynical manifestation of, “They refuse to get it, and probably always will.”

    Next, let us ask what “abundance thinkers” have in common. They tend to be grateful for what they have, regardless of the amount. They see the world in terms of flow; not as a zero-sum game. They assume that the more they give out, the more they get back, although the recompense may not always take the same form. They know that abundance thinking (or “flow thinking”) opens up possibilities and opportunities that cannot be imagined with scarcity thinking.

    They thrive on “win-win” situations. Consider a person putting his house up for sale, and having it sell the same day. The scarcity addict thinks, “I priced it too low. I lost money.” The abundance person thinks, “Cool! I got the money, and he got the house. We both got what we wanted. I hope he’s as happy as I am.”

    They know that abundance thinking, properly presented, is as contagious as scarcity addiction. Stephen R. Covey’s book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” sold more than 25 million copies in 38 languages. The audio version sold 15 million copies. Other authors have had similar success with similar books.

    My point is that abundance thinking can be just as powerful as scarcity thinking.

    Indeed, we should maybe tap into channels that already exist. Some of these motivational guys built “positive thinking” and “self-help” into empires. Steven R. Covey started with nothing and became a multi-millionaire from his books. What if we asked these guys to weave the facts of Monetary Sovereignty into their motivational talks? (“There’s enough for everyone!”) Their empires would legitimize the facts of MS.

    Religion tends to be based on scarcity addiction, but we might approach some of the “abundance Christians.” (“God wants you to succeed! With God and Monetary Sovereignty, there is enough for all!”) This would transform God from a deity based on scarcity and “the market” into a deity based on abundance.

    Right wing people reduce reality to buzzwords and talking points, such as “We can’t spend money we don’t have.” The Left is not able to do the same, since most Leftists are scarcity thinkers, just like right-wingers. Hence the actual divide is not between Right and Left, but between scarcity addiction and abundance thinking. So, in devising slogans, we can take lessons from motivational speakers.

    Any thoughts?


    1. Absolutely brilliant!!! This is what I’ve been trying to convey for over a year now, though not so well-stated as you have done here.
      Have you thought of posting this in slightly modified form for a more general audience on one of the major blogs, like Opednews (where I happen to be a Senior Editor), a top 100 blog, and #1 progressive politics blog?
      The only thing I would add is that the 99% are actively encouraged to be scarcity addicts by the 1% (or maybe the .01%) who know better because they control the levers of money creation power. I would argue that the president, who grew up poor, and has shown zero understanding that the U.S. government operates any differently from the average household or corner bodega, is just as much a scarcity addict as the 99% who elected him. Presidents aren’t chosen by those who wield the real power because they can think outside the box or see the bigger picture, they are chosen because the masses – who will cast almost all the votes – can RELATE to them, and think he is “one of us.” If a candidate came along who really understood monetary sovereignty, he wouldn’t last 2 seconds on the national stage, and the ones leading the charge to discredit him would be the rich media owners and superPAC donors who actually know better. FDR and Lincoln were able to get away with it, up to a point, because the elites over-reached, which happens maybe once a century – in the first case it was the wealthy plantation owners, some of the richest people in the country at that time, and their wealthy supporters in the north, and in the second, it was the bankers and financiers. They’ve learned from those mistakes and now stack the deck with Goldmen alum, carefully massaged think tanks, and compromised academic institutions, so this doesn’t happen again.


    2. With MMT and MS understanding American society can have unimaginable abundance and prosperity, just think about the possibilities of having a generously funded NASA (human habitation on the moon and other planets, space exploration, and the resulting advances in technology that would come), NIH (conquering cancer, diabetes, life span increasing), single-payer healthcare (better preventative care, people not going bankrupt to afford medical care), Higher Education (government funded grants for university education – No loan debt) and SBA (more entrepreneurs and more innovation). If MMT/MS were recognized and implemented fully, it would be an immense upsurge in humanity and the human condition – It would be like a second Renaissance, but much more significant.


  2. Just to be clear. The US government does not create money on computer key boards. The Fed members banks do. The Fed has been doing so with QE. The US government borrows at interest the money the Fed and private banks create. And pays that forever since the owners of those banks have no intention of ever paying any Pols to raise taxes back to Clinton levels to pay the deficit off. Their debt-money supply will disappear otherwise. This kind of money system drives all this scarcity. The scarcity begins in the shortage of money created by this system. It has nothing to do with ecosystem resources or human ingenuity. It doesn’t begin or end with thinking alone. We need to get clear about this. Talk about myth busting!


  3. The federal government creates dollars by spending and destroys dollars by taxing.

    When the government spends it marks up the checking accounts of its creditors, which instantly creates dollars.

    Being Monetarily Sovereign, the federal government has the unlimited ability to create its currency. That’s what “sovereign” means. It does not need to ask anyone for dollars — not you, not me, not China.

    If all federal taxes were $0, this would not affect by even $1 the federal government’s ability to spend and create dollars.

    The federal government also does not borrow as “borrowing” commonly is understood. The federal debt is nothing more than the total of T-security accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank. The dollars in these accounts are owned by the account holders, not by the federal government.


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