–The FICA disgrace

Mitchell’s laws:
●The more federal budgets are cut and taxes increased, the weaker an economy becomes.
●Austerity is the government’s method for widening the gap between rich and poor,
which leads to civil disorder.
●Until the 99% understand the need for federal deficits, the upper 1% will rule.
●To survive long term, a monetarily non-sovereign government must have a positive balance of payments.
●Those, who do not understand the differences between Monetary Sovereignty and monetary non-sovereignty, do not understand economics.

●The penalty for ignorance is slavery.

Fifteen years ago, FREE MONEY suggested the elimination of FICA. Three years ago I posted (with input from Warren Mosler and Randall Wray) “Ten Reasons to Eliminate FICA.”

FICA is the most damaging tax in American history. It punishes the middle and lower income classes (the “99%”), while leaving upper income classes (the “1%”) virtually untouched. It punishes salaried people while leaving all other types of income unscathed.

For many in the middle and lower income classes, FICA is the largest tax they pay – larger even than those income taxes that are much in discussion today. No tax does more than FICA to widen the gap between the richest and the rest.

So it should come no surprise that the Democrats and the Republicans seem to favor increasing FICA, since both parties receive so much funding from the upper 1%.

Here are a few excerpts from an article in the HuffPost:

Obama Administration Not Sticking Up For Payroll Tax Cut
Posted: 11/26/2012

WASHINGTON — For the past two years, U.S. workers have enjoyed a 2 percentage-point increase in take-home pay thanks to a payroll tax reduction trumpeted by lawmakers as an effective lift for a sagging economy. Come Dec. 31, that cut will expire — and policymakers don’t seem too upset about it.

The White House has gone almost completely quiet on one of its favorite stimulus policies. In a report released Monday morning, the administration warned that middle-class families will pay thousands more in taxes next year unless Republicans relented on income tax breaks for the rich. But the report didn’t mention the soon-to-expire payroll tax cut.

Translation: “The marginal tax rate, on those rich people who pay very little of the marginal rate anyway, cannot be allowed to rise. But, taxing the 99% is O.K. Those people are not big contributors to our campaigns.”

At the daily briefing later on Monday, Alan Krueger, chairman of President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), said that the payroll tax cut clearly gave a boost to middle-class families and to the economy in general over the past year. But he stopped notably short of supporting its extension.

Translation: Cutting FICA helps the economy, so let’s increase FICA.

“There are many tax provisions that are expiring at the end of the year and the president has said that the payroll tax cut, among others, should be on the table,” Krueger said.

Translation: President Obama, the self-proclaimed protector of the 99%, does not mind increasing taxes on the “little” people who voted for him.

Congressional leaders are similarly difficult to read, though many signs hint at the demise of the payroll tax cut. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in September the tax cut should be allowed to expire.

Translation: Thank you to all you middle and lower income people who voted Democratic. Gotcha!

Many lawmakers and outside stakeholders have expressed concern that diverting tax money from Social Security — which the payroll tax helps fund — would weaken the program, which provides an average monthly benefit of $1,237 to some 40 million seniors. The Social Security Administration’s actuaries say the trust fund will run out of money in 2033, at which point incoming tax revenue could support just 75 percent of benefits.

Translation: We successfully have brainwashed you people into believing FICA pays for your Social Security. That is one of the great successes of the *BIG LIE.

AARP, the lobby group for senior citizens, said in a statement Monday that it is glad the White House left the cut out of its tax report. The organization has previously said the payroll tax should return to normal.

“We’re pleased the White House doesn’t mention the payroll tax holiday since extending it would undermine Social Security’s separate dedicated funding source,” AARP executive Joyce Rogers said in an email. “We also remain committed to keeping Social Security and Medicare benefit cuts out of any ‘fiscal cliff’ negotiations.”

Translation: You thought AARP was on the side of the retired and elderly. No, AARP is an insurance agency masquerading as your benefactor. AARP always has promulgated the *BIG LIE that FICA pays for Social Security and Medicare.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a self-described socialist who has been a vocal advocate of social insurance programs, said Monday that he is “strongly opposed” to keeping the tax holiday, since doing so could damage Social Security’s solvency.

“The middle class deserves tax relief, but not at the expense of Social Security,” Sanders said. “The president and members of his administration have been very clear that the payroll tax reduction was temporary and would not be extended. I expect them to keep that commitment.”

Translation: And, of course, we in Congress like FICA because our rich contributors like FICA. What’s good for the rich is good for the country – oh, except maybe for those middle and lower income groups. But you can’t help everyone.

Bottom line: FICA is 100% bad for the economy. Before the U.S. became Monetarily Sovereign in 1971, FICA did fund Social Security. Today, FICA no longer pays for Social Security. FICA does not pay for Medicare. FICA does not pay for anything. You might as well shove your money into a garbage bag and burn it.

All FICA does is take money from the pockets of middle and lower income class consumers and from businesses (which take it from employees). More than a trillion dollars was paid for FICA this year. That’s a trillion dollars removed from the economy, lost forever. Think of what this economy could do with an extra $1 trillion.

If FICA were $0, that would not reduce by even one cent, the federal government’s ability to pay all Social Security benefits and to provide free Medicare to every man, woman and child in America. The collection of FICA is the 2nd biggest tax disgrace in America.

The biggest? Obama and the Democrats – the great supporters of the 99% – justify FICA by telling you the *BIG LIE.

[*The BIG LIE is a statement that U.S. federal taxes pay for U.S. spending. In a Monetarily Sovereign government, taxes pay for nothing.]

Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
Monetary Sovereignty


Nine Steps to Prosperity:
1. Eliminate FICA (Click here)
2. Medicare — parts A, B & D — for everyone
3. Send every American citizen an annual check for $5,000 or give every state $5,000 per capita (Click here)
4. Long-term nursing care for everyone
5. Free education (including post-grad) for everyone
6. Salary for attending school (Click here)
7. Eliminate corporate taxes
8. Increase the standard income tax deduction annually
9. Increase federal spending on the myriad initiatives that benefit America’s 99%

No nation can tax itself into prosperity, nor grow without money growth. Monetary Sovereignty: Cutting federal deficits to grow the economy is like applying leeches to cure anemia. Two key equations in economics:
Federal Deficits – Net Imports = Net Private Savings
Gross Domestic Product = Federal Spending + Private Investment and Consumption – Net Imports


10 thoughts on “–The FICA disgrace

  1. Well said, well stated.
    Perhaps you could also mention, after due examination and you find it to be correct: Elimination of FICA would increase jobs, increase production, increase wages (income), increase profits with price stabilization and no inflation threath.
    The worker receives a larger paycheck which creates greater demand which
    creates a need for a greater supply while production cost is lower; therefore profit is higher since there is no added tax burdon on the supplier while all of this occurs without a price increase thereby non inflationary.
    What would you, Wray, Mossler say would be the result if as Obama said,
    ” We must raise taxes somewhere else in order to lower income taxes.”
    IF we did just that. “Reduce Federal Income Taxes To Zero”
    by the simple solution of raising revenue “somewhere else”.
    Maybe,perhaps, “We the people collecting interest on own money, instead of “private for profit banks”
    Surely, even though the “people” believe the “Big Lies”
    maybe,perhaps there can be hope that there may be a way to make the lie -true.


  2. A Monetarily Sovereign government neither needs nor uses revenue, to pay its bills. It pays all bills by creating dollars ad hoc, through the simple expedient of increasing the numbers in creditors’ checking account.

    A Monetarily Sovereign government’s finances are unlike personal finances, state finances, business finances or euro nation finances. The U.S. government has the unlimited power to increase the numbers in checking accounts.

    That is what “Monetarily Sovereign” means — it is sovereign over its money. It does not need to ask anyone for its sovereign currency — not you, not me, not China.


    1. YES,YES, absolutely correct. How many ways can I say, or agree with those words, yet trying to understand what is “The Role Of Money” now in the USA
      and how do we correct the legislation that will eventually lead us to either servitude or revolution.
      When we voted (self imposed) the rights for a “private for profit banks” to not only issue, leverage, and use our currency but also allowed those “private for profit banks” to tax us on that issuance, for surely paying them interest is taxation.
      This makes me question, Is the US Dollar a Monetary Sovereignty’s currency that has allowed itself to be compromised.
      Perhaps to such a flaw that it can no longer protect itself from hyperinflation and or moral hazard.
      As long as the “private for profit banks “(financial institutions) have the power to issue, and the guarantee that their issuance is sovereign currency, we are only a rate and period of time away from monetary suiside.
      But, still what you state is correct for now.
      It is my sincere hope that someone will prove me wrong.
      Keynes, Minsky,Desoto, Soddy, many others; all of whom have stated that “private for profit banks” should be separated from government.


  3. New York Times. . . even as many voters say they want Washington to reduce the budget deficit, they oppose many of the benefit cuts and tax increases that could help achieve that goal.

    The people have been so brainwashed by the BIG LIE, they have become brain dead. Classic example of wanting to keep your cake and eat it, too.


  4. Left wing types love Bernie Sanders. They even call him a “socialist.” (!!!) I have always said that Sanders is a liar and an elitist. Above we see more proof that I am correct.

    Amazingly, even when people understand Monetary Sovereignty, and they see that Sanders is flat wrong about Social Security and the FICA theft, they make excuses for Sanders. They insist that he “just doesn’t understand.” This despite the fact that Sanders is on the Senate Budget Committee, which controls the Congressional Budget Office. Sanders is also on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. Sanders is chairman of the Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging.

    He is the enemy of seniors.

    The other Senator from Vermont, Patrick Leahy, is on the Senate Appropriations Committee, which oversees all spending other than so-called “entitlements” like Social Security. The Appropriations Committee spends via “earmarks.” Can anyone honestly say that Leahy “just doesn’t understand”?

    I spit on people who make lame excuses for politicians. First of all, there is no possible way that politicians like Sanders are simply ignorant. Second, even if politicians were ignorant (which they are not), the politicians should not be excused.


  5. Obama says he wants to raise income taxes on people who collect over $250,000 per year, with the tax being applicable only to the amount over $250k. For people who collect less than $250,000, Obama says that under his proposal, they will not pay “one dime more.”

    And yet Obama is not saying anything about the expiration of the FICA tax cut in 1 Jan 2013. Everyone who receives a salary of less than $113,700 will get a smaller paycheck. (Unless they work for the state government in ten U.S. states. They are exempt from paying the Social Security portion of FICA taxes.)

    How much smaller? According to Michael Feroli, a JPMorgan economist, the payroll tax cut from 6.8 percent of wages down to 4.8 percent increased the aggregate income for American families by $125 billion. On 1 Jan 2013 that $125 billion will be stolen from Americans, thereby reducing consumer spending by $100 billion in 2013, according to Michael Feroli’s projections.

    Naturally AARP wants the FICA tax to increase.

    The payroll tax holiday was designed to be an economic stimulus measure. However, Republicans and the corporate media have managed to brainwash the public that “stimulus” is a dirty word.


  6. The “anti-tax” Republicans could champion a permanent extension of the 2% cut in FICA taxes, and thereby claim to be allies of the working class. But no, they don’t care.

    Perhaps Republicans don’t need to care.

    After all, most Americans falsely believe that the FICA tax pays for Social Security.

    Therefore most Americans may actually favor having smaller paychecks.


  7. After the post was written, President Obama “compromised” with the Republicans, i.e. he raised the FICA tax by 2%. This will cost a worker making $50,000 per year, $1,000 every year. A worker making $100,000 a year will pay another $2,000 — a guaranteed return to recession.

    When we have the recession, blame Obama for not telling the truth about our economy.


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